Meet Eliza(?) WIP

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So I drew her in English class cause my teacher wasn't there and I'm not too sure about her name yet. This is just a work in progress. I'm too lazy to do her clothes right now. And no, she's not in that one book I'm writing. She's not related to those characters at all. She's from 19-21 years of age. I haven't really decided. That is a flower crown so I'll make it look more flowery later. Right now, I'm going to actually finish that self portrait XD

WISH ME LUCK!!!!!!!!

P.S. The last day to audition for the talent show was Friday and I thought since she told me the song was too depressing and to audition again at 5th block with a backup song, she'd let me audition today instead since she was watching a class during 5th block and I couldn't re audition. BUT NO I CAN'T DO IT. FML. WELP GUESS THERE'S NEXT YEAR.

P.P.S I'm gonna post a cute picture of me (I mean I guess it's cute) and you guys can decide whether or not I should draw it cause I'm in an artsy mood!

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