Trying digital again+rant

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So I've always had Medibang, I just never knew how to use it. Now I do! So I did some things with it and had lots of fun. I think it'd be a really good idea to try writing my manga on there. I'm just really bad at doing manga. I'll try it sometime.

This is the first drawing I did. It took 20 to 30 minutes. Mostly because I had no idea how the damn thing worked and didn't know there was a paint tool.

 Mostly because I had no idea how the damn thing worked and didn't know there was a paint tool

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

My Oreo is so precious.

The second one I did is a remake of my first digital drawing.

The second one I did is a remake of my first digital drawing

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I went slightly overboard on the glitter brush...What am I talking about there's never too much.

Next one is an odd looking Chara I did in art class. I had to be sneaky about it so I couldn't really add detail.

I was mostly just playing around with the watercolor brush cause it's so nice

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I was mostly just playing around with the watercolor brush cause it's so nice. But I like the way my Oreo baby came out so I'll do more like that!

Oh and by the way, everyone had it backwards on Orion's gender. Most people thought he was transgender boy to girl, but he's girl to boy. He was born female but he's a guy now. One person got it right. It was a good guess.

Okay now I'm going to rant. You can skip this, but if you do please still read the bottom. Okay thanks.

So I have a few friends I talk to in English. More like good acquaintances but whatever. I was showing them Orion cause he's like the first attractive guy I've drawn. My good friend gave him an 8 out of 10. So I was showing someone Ori and this bitch (sorry I absolutely hate her nothing against dogs) grabs my sketchbook before the person I was showing it to could see and she's done this before. She always messes it up or laughs. So I snatched the sketchbook from her and told her if she tried to take it again I would hurt her. She laughed and said that was funny. Now the people who know me know I will hurt people who get on my nerves with little hesitation. But I still needed to show Orion to the person who didn't see it and wanted to see it. So I showed them and she was looking at it as I was showing this person and she had the nerve to say "That's a girl" when she heard me repeatedly say it was a guy. Like I wouldn't of cared if she said he looked like a girl, he's supposed to look slightly feminine. It's the fact she tried to tell me the gender of my character. And when I told her it was a man she still tried to say "No that's a girl". It took everything in me to not hit her over the head with my giant sketchbook but I care about my perfect record so I restrained. I was in a bad mood for the rest of the day. I might be overreacting since Ori is just a fictional character but the fact that he's transgender and had to go through being a female, being the wrong person, to still be misidentified as a female is just kinda sad. Like everything he worked for. And it's like real life too. I'm misidentified as a boy all the time and it's annoying, but it must be even worse for someone who is transgender since they had to go through being the wrong gender, finally become the gender they want or on the road to becoming the gender they want, only to have people continuously misgender them. Some on purpose. And I care too much about fictional characters. And I hate that she tried to tell me that I was wrong about my own character as if she knows more about him.

That was really fucking long I got carried away.

I go to therapy in an hour WHAT DO I DRAW FOR MY THERAPIST?

Okay I could show you schoodles but I'll do that later.

I really like the song Knights of Cydonia by Muse.

My (Old) DrawingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz