Someone hug me

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I'm a person that loves rain. I love thunderstorms and lightning. What I hate? Tornados. We're having a thunderstorm and I was enjoying the thunder, but then I got an alert on my phone that said "Extreme weather alert. Tornado warning. Take shelter immediately" and my TV shut off. I'm not kidding when I say I almost cried. I have and never want to experience a tornado. I started hearing the wind blow really hard and stuff and got scared but I think it was my imagination. My TV is back on. I sleep next to a window so that's part of my reasoning for being scared and stuff. Sorry I'm such a little kid. That's what people in anime get scared of ha. Finally I'm an anime girl haha.

Okay but anyways I turned on Pandora to help me chill the fuck out. Oh and my grandmother bought me some new copics. I would show you but I'm too lazy to get up. I'll do drawings with them tomorrow. Do some adoptables? Would you guys like that?

On to the real reason you're here. Art. I did some digital today. BUT OMG FLUORESCENT ADOLESCENT CAME ON THIS IS MY JAM! Okay okay the drawing.


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Not TOO bad right? I dunno.

Okay here's something my friend Mari and I doodled on in English today.

Okay here's something my friend Mari and I doodled on in English today

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It's folded sorry. Mine was (obviously) Chat Noir and Ladybug. Hers was the face. TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WHOOP WHOOP OUT OF HELL FOR TWO MONTHS!

Oh and my grandmother also bought me color pencils! But uhm I'm gonna tell you what I don't think she knows I heard. So my aunt asked me "So when are you getting your hair cut? Friday or the week after school?" and my grandmother replied in a hushed and harsh tone, "Stop talking about it," I don't think she knows I heard. My aunt said "Why? What's wrong?" and she just said "Shut up" so I'm kinda scared. I don't think she likes it. But I don't really care cause my mother would literally cut it herself she joked and said she would.

Okay I'm gonna go now! Just wanted to check in with you guys. I know some of you like Pentatonix and I finally listened to them. MITCH IS SUCH A CUTE LITTLE GAY BABY. That sounded weird...but he's literally so cute he looks like one of those sassy girlfriends you talk about cute guys with but he also looks like a warm teddy bear when he wears sweatshirts. If I were a gay man I'd date him. How could you not? I'm gonna draw him.

Okay I'll stop fangirling now and go to sleep.

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