Chapter Three. Skylar.

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Nina was looking at Skylar with an intense stare. She was heated and Skylar knew but she wanted no parts of her attitude. She was in a wonderful mood after receiving her food and getting an invite from the goddess Taylor.
Eventually she couldn't take the huffing and puffing from the other side of the table and decided to say something.
"Is there something bothering you, Nina?"
"Other than the fact that you were flirting right in front of my face and didn't even think to introduce me. No. Nothing is bothering me."
"You could've introduced yourself just like I did and I wasn't flirting. I was being polite"
Skylar was trying to be as calm as possible but really didn't like the way Nina thought she was talking to her. If they weren't in public, Skylar would've cursed her out.
"Polite my ass, Skylar. Don't try to be play me"
"Nina, eat your food and stop talking to me until you calm down"
"Are you going to her little party?"
"Yes, most likely"
Nina shook her head but didn't say anything. And Skylar thought to herself that she was glad she kept her mouth closed because she didn't have much more control over herself and playing nice.
Soon after, Nina payed the bill and they both left the cafe. It felt like it was almost 90 degrees outside. Skylar didn't feel like being outside anymore, especially not with Nina but she needed something to wear tonight. She found herself doing more shopping that planned but after finding the perfect outfit, was ready to get some rest before her night out.
She planned her entire night out. She would go home, take a nap before showering and dressing and would invite her girlfriends over to get dressed there too.
She really didn't want to be bothered with Nina and really had been dancing around with the idea of cutting her off today.
Nina rode the elevator up with her to her apartment and had barely said a word since they left the cafe. When Skylar got to her door, Nina finally opened her mouth to say something,
"I don't think this is going to work out, Skylar"
Skylar turned to Nina quickly and almost squealed in excitement but reminded herself to keep calm and play it cool.
"I think I share the same sentiments, Nina"
"You do?"
Nina seemed surprised. Skylar wanted to say "duhhhh" but resulted in just shaking her head yes.
"We just aren't compatible, Nina. You're sweet, and very attractive and I've had fun the last couple months, but we've gotten boring and we're old to pretend like we good when we aren't."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, I'll miss you, Sky"
"You too, Nina"
Nina walked away and Skylar went into her apartment and did her happy dance. She felt free. Now she could nap before going out to see her future wife.

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