Law x Injured! Reader

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Warning: Blood

Saying you were injured was an understatement. You were practically torn in half from the battle you were just in. Law had been the captain, he didn't blame himself for your injury. He blamed the man who did this to you. He made you scream in pain, made you shed tears that you haven't shed in a long time, who made you beg to be killed because of the pain he caused this to you.

You weren't asleep for this surgery. You told Law that there was no way that you'd feel pain anymore after what had happened. You were right. As he worked with his hands, you stared at the ceiling.

You were in the emergency room. The walls were a dark grey color, the floor matched them. You could tell it was completely clean because of Law's little pet peeve for germs. You felt numb as you saw the one light that was on. It was over your head, shining down at your lower half. Putting light onto Law's hands as he continued his work as you explored the room with your eyes.

He pulled back, his yellow eyes catching your dulling eyes as they searched for something, someone, anything to make you feel something. He knew you weren't there, he knew you were in your mind somewhere. Trying to find your way out of the water that was continuously pulling you down deeper.

Your eyes finally closed as he lifted his hand. His hand twisted slightly as he mumbled 'shambles'. Your blood dripped from his hands as you whimpered softly. The was the indication that the pain had come back. His eyes widened when you arched your back as you kept yourself from screaming. 

He reached for the anesthesia only for you to stop him. His eyes met yours, asking why. He got no response. Only your void eyes, they lacked the color he had fallen in love with. They lacked all the happiness you had given him, all the memories popped into his mind as you whimpered softly.

He knew your response now..

You wanted to die.

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