Doflamingo x Abused!Reader

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[I want to make sure you guys get this. I love Doflamingo, he's literally my favorite character due to his craziness. I don't condone violence at all and if you get hit. You need to talk to someone. Hell, I'll be here for you. I'll listen. I'll be your friend. Don't keep it to yourself. I love you. Kay, onto the story.]

Do you know when you love something, but it's horribly bad for you? He's mean, but still somewhat loving. He buys you things, but asks you to cover up your bruises and cuts. Here you were, sitting quietly as you spun in his chair. He allowed you to do things you wanted. But when he was angry, he didn't think twice. He didn't want you to do things you wanted, he wants you to do things he wants you to do. It's okay though, he still says 'I love you, (y/n)', he still kisses you good morning and good night.

"(y/n), what are you doing? I'm working." You heard his voice break you from your thoughts and you look up at the face that you came to love, but also hate. He sighed when you frowned, he never wore his sunglasses around you, it allowed you to actually see when he was drunk. When he was happy or angry. "Okay, I get it." He sat up from his paperwork and patted his knee. You stood from the spinning chair and followed his command by sitting where he patted.

"You're very quiet today." He hummed, watching you look down as he shook his head. "Talk to me, (y/n)." You felt the anger in his voice, wincing as you shrugged.

"I just don't feel good, Doffy." You mumbled, leaning forward so your head was on his shoulder. You could sense he was relieved that nothing was actually wrong. That you wanted to leave him, or that something was going to happen to you. His hand ran up your back, trying to be soothing. It was. He did this when you couldn't sleep at night either. His large hands took up half of your back, but they were smooth and even though they were stained with people he's killed, it somehow relaxed you to be in someone's arms that could protect you by just raising his pinky finger.

"It's okay." Doflamingo hummed against your ear, making a shiver go down your back. You nodded and closed your eyes. It's okay? Is it really?

[I'm so sorry for this. It's not to make fun of abusive relationships.. ;-; I promise. It's short because I started to feel uncomfortable about writing this..]

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