Zoro x Swordsman!Reader

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You sighed, the waves crashed and the sun beat on you like a fist. You felt every ray of sunshine, but it didn't bother you. This was what you asked for. To be on the open sea alone. To be one of best swordsman in all the blues. You opened your eyes, smirking as you gripped the wanted poster in your hand.

Roronoa Zoro. Someone you looked up to as a kid. But when you were teenagers he left. Rumors spread about him being a pirate hunter. You ignored them. Zoro was your friend. He held you when you cried. He fought off bullies when they said it was stupid for a girl to be a swordsman. He fought for you to live after the attack on your home. Now, it was your mission to find the one man you loved most.

"So, this island wasn't on the map?" The green haired man yawned, looking at the girl beside him who was slouched over her papers.

"But it should've been on here. Maybe it's a mirage because we don't have much food anymore. We're going hungry." Nami whimpered, sliding to the floor and holding her head in her hands.

They've been sailing for days, no sea life, no sea kings, nothing. No food. Nami had broken down. Luffy was collapsed on the Sunny's head and the whole crew were hoping for a miracle. This island looked like one. Luffy's head shot up as. He screamed.

"LAND AHOY!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, only to get a land ahoy back. His eyes widened. Another voice? He felt the presence of what was left of his crew. Which happened to be Sanji and Zoro. The three men stood, looking at the shore line, where there was a small speeder, that looked a lot like Ace's, and a fire. Once shallow enough, Luffy jumped overboard with the two. The smell of freshly cooked meat and a large feast sent straight to them. Zoro stood still, looking at the speeder. Two swords sticking out of it. His hand grazed one only to get shocked, then the other only to get burned.

"Wait." He said softly, Sanji stopped but Luffy was already into the food this person had left. "Someone was here recently."

"Yes, I was here recently, Zoro. Got a problem?" He recognized those words, 'got a problem'
"Yeah! I wanna be a swordsman! Gotta problem pipsqueak?!"

Those words echoed through his head as he turned to see you. Your (h/c) flowed with the sea as he saw that the rest of the crew was in your arms. A small smile appeared on your face.

"Sanji, blackleg, bring them to the fire, there's tons of foo-" Your words were cut short by a sword to your throat.

"Who the hell are you and why do you have her voice?" The man hissed from behind you. "You're supposed to be dead." That's right. You are.

"The fire took my arm, and got infused into my sword." You said softly as Sanji took he crew members from your grasp. You felt a hand go from your right shoulder to the empty space. You smiled at the green haired man as he question everything about this. How did you use two swords? How to you infuse elements into them? Did you eat a devil fruit?

-le skip.-

Hours later, the crew laid dead asleep on the ground but you sat against your speeder with Zoro. Telling him your adventures across the sea. How you joined the white beard pirates but left after your father's death. How you still are aligned with them and how you use the two sword style with one arm. In the middle, you kept looking at Zoro. Your thumb found its way to his closed eye, it ran over the scar that laid there. Smiling you out your hand on his cheek.
"Guess we both lost something."

"I got one thing back." He said softly before running his lips over yours. "I missed you.."

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