Marco x Male!Reader Part 2

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It's been a few months since the incident in your captain's room. He hasn't brought it up, nor tried to advance. Every morning, he'd call you to his side to help. You would, but would never talk. He didn't complain or think anything of it until you stopped paying attention in battle. This is where it went overboard, you got stabbed by a poisonous blade when fighting. The doctor said you'd been fine after a few hours of sleep and a few days of bed rest. Considering you slept with the rest of the commanders, Marco decided to allow you to rest in his room.

"Mm.." You mumbled, your eyes closed as your bandaged chest heaved up and down. It was obvious you were having a nightmare. This made Marco watch for you to either wake up or fall back asleep peacefully. But that didn't happen. You started whimpering, as if you were stuck in your dream. Making you grip onto the blanket and sweat drip down your face.

Marco set down his book, walking to the bed and wiping the drops off your forehead with a towel. He sighed, shaking his head as he started to get up before he felt your hand on his pants. He sat back down, taking your hand in his. "(Y/n)? Are you awake?" He mumbled, his free hand wiping your face again.

You didn't wake up, you mumbled, whined and whimpered. Squeezing his hand tightly as he sighed. He kept his hand in yours as he bent over and grabbed a picture that you had knocked down during your surgery. He hummed, turning it out and shutting up immediately, making the breath catch in his throat.

"Oh, so now you want me to attack you? What if I hurt you?" You whined, hands on your hips as he laughed and shook his head.

"You won't. My devil fruit will allow me to regenerate." Marco smiled, opening his arms as they turned to a light blue flame. Surrounding him with the flame. Ace laughed and watched him speed up into the sky, pointing up at him.

"Shoot the moving target, (y/n)." He smirked, stepping back before you brought up the gun.

Marco sighed, remembering the day of training from the picture. It was of you and Ace fighting him as he flew side to side dodging the bullets. A small smile forming on his lips, feeling a tug on his pants. He looked down to see you half lidded and pointing at the picture.

"Did..." You managed out, coughing as he put the broke frame down.

"Don't worry about it, how are you?" He frowned, moving the hair from your face.

"I'm fine." You said coldly, making him shake his head and cupping your face. "Marco.."

"You weren't paying attention, don't do that, ever again. I was so worried about you."

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