Shanks x Reader

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I'll be taking suggestions now. If anyone wants someone in particular in a certain way, just ask. c:

Blood. That's all you saw was blood and torn flesh. Though your captain wasn't the one to make a huge fuss about things like this, the crew who was new were freaking out around you. Your face shocked when all he said was, "Aw, come on guys, just get me some sake. I'll be fine." That's when you slapped him, hard.

Making the whole crew surrounding you shut up as water seeped from your eyes. Even Ben watched the scene and stood back in awe as his captain had been slapped by his beloved. The red haired man looked down at himself as the smile from his face disappeared.

"You idiot, this isn't just some stupid mark like that one!" You screamed pointing at his eye, tearing flowing harshly down his face. "You lost your arm, you fucking idiot. Now let me treat it so you don't lose what's left." Your (h/c) locks blocked your face as you looked down at your hands. They were covered in your husband's blood and of all things, it was his hand with your wedding bands.

"You know, I'm gonna be a pirate captain just like Captain Roger." The boy spoke as you listened to the sea. You were both seventeen now, nothing was stopping you from running off and creating that pirate crew. But there was one thing that tugged at your heart. At this moment, Shanks had been through hell of watching their captain die for what the government called a sin. Though Roger and his crew knew he'd rather be killed, than die suddenly on sea and leaving them behind. "(Name)?" You heard your name from the red haired boy and shook your head of the thoughts that had been occurring.

"I wanna see you be a captain, Shanks. You, Buggy. Maybe even Rayleigh will start his own. But we have to stick together.." Your tears flowed out as if he'd never see you again.

Shanks just laughed and nodded. "Then marry me. We'll go on the adventure together."

The flashback of the sweet time on the boat of you two stopped when you snipped the thread that closed the wound on his arm. You hadn't said anything to each other since Ben agreed, for him, to allow you to operate on his arm. Shank sat still, staring at his other hand. The the hand you once held with great excitement.

Whenever you reached a new island together, you met someone new. Met a new adventure. This hand met the world to him now, but it was other one that held the promise to keep you protected and loved for all of eternity. Though, being a powerful man had its perks, having someone he could laugh, sing and share this power with was better. His eyes traveled from the blood stained flood of the room to your eyes.

You always did this thing with your nose when you were upset. You'd crinkle it up and act like a child. This always made him laugh and beg for forgiveness at any other time. But this time, you were silent. You said nothing to him, you made no faces and weren't expecting a man of his standards to beg any longer.

"(Name)..." Your husband finally spoke up after hours of silence, trying to see if you even remembered he was there. Due to your now crying face, you did. He knew he was cause of this, he jumped in that water to save the boy he held dear. He threw away his arm just to save him, but never thought you'd be the one that hates him for it. "I'm s-" she was cut off by your hand going up.

"I'm proud of you, it's too bad that you can walk into bars and get hit on now, I was enjoying seeing girls whine when they saw that stupid golden band around your finger." You cleaned off your hands and smiled at the ring on your finger. Laughing to yourself and shaking your head as your (e/c) orbs met his. "Don't be stupid like that. Sake can't fix everything you know." You reached over, running your thumb over the now bandaged stub.

Shanks laughed his bellowing laugh. "You're right, love. It doesn't." He watched as you nodded in agreement and brought your lips to his. "I won't lose the other one. I swear."

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