Ace x Secret!Reader AU

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Summer time is the time for love. That's what my mom always told me. A time to meet someone and be there, for what seemed like, forever. A summer fling. But I didn't want that. I wanted real love. Love that would last me a lifetime. That's what I have with a mob boy named Portgas D. Ace.

Normally, normal people don't talk to the mob. They watch them from a distance, nod when they are told to and then smile when they are off the hook. Ace was different. He wanted to talk to the normal folk. Smile and laugh with them. That's when he met me. A police officer, a small, shy, idiotic police officer.

Shooting up from my sleep and gasped for air, only to get a hand on my back from, none other than, Ace himself. He whined from his awakened self and looked up at me. "(y/n), are you okay? You're sweating a lot." He sat up beside me, his ash hair a mess. It made me want to laugh, but I couldn't.

It was like having the devil in my bed. Smiling and laughing with me. Cuddling me when I have nightmares about the cases I have to do daily. Moving the hair out of my face when I cry and telling me over and over that he'll never leave and that he loves me.

But, it's not that way. He's a mobster. I'm a cop. I'm supposed to arrest him. That's why this is a secret. Our whole relationship is a secret. The dates that we have to do in my loft, the walks that have to be strictly during the night when he wears a hoodie. I hate it. I hate having to sneak around the whole world because I love someone.

"(y/n)?" His raspy voice made me lose what I was thinking, I just hugged myself and whimpered.

"I can't. I don't want to be police officer. I need to be with you, for real.." I whispered out, and I took it that he heard me because he sat in front of me. The blanket now a tangled mess over what appeared to be a naked man's lap. "I want to be with you. I want to be able to kiss you in public, laugh at your stupidness when you fall asleep in the middle of the day.." I trailed on for about an hour about all the sappy things I want to do with him, it never changes his mind.

"No." He blurted out after my long speech of begging and pleading to allow me to quit and become one of him, or even him leave and become something else. "You're parents were policemen." He got up, searching for his pants and shirt. Pulling them on, he turned to me. Seeing me like this must've broke him, because all he did was wipe away the tears and pull me in for a hug.

I remember everything from that day that he talked to me. The smell of cinnamon on his shirt, the way his hair fell, the stupid t-shirt he wore because his little brother got it for him. His goofy smile whenever he got embarrassed.

"Hey. Lady, listen. I'm with the Whi-" He was cut off by me, a smaller version of Captain America, I may add. "Whit.." He trailed off, I felt his eyes wonder a little south of the border.

"I know who you are. You're the highest ranked mob boss' son. You left when he tried pushing you into police work, onto my dear captain Garp. Only to leave training a few days after you started to join a group that likes to call themselves the Whitebeards. Head of the household is Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate, himself." I smiled, knowingly as I saw the black haired man tense the more I read off the pieces of his life. "Oh, I also know your little brother and your big brother. Their names? Lu-" He cut me off by screaming 'stop it' and huffing.

"I get it, okay? I'm not telling you where my brothers are. They did nothing wrong!" He shouted, glaring me down. I had to act tough in front of these guys, but god I was scared. I felt the heat coming off his body. "They are stupid and naive. They did nothing wrong, okay?" I heard the plead in his voice. "Please, don't hurt them." He begged, I couldn't help but feel bad. Wanting to protect his family at any cost.

"I won't, Portgas D. Ace." I promised him that I would stop hunting them and burn the case file that wanted Monkey D. Luffy, Garp's official grandson, and a runaway monarch named Sabo.

"(y/n), listen to me, you don't want this life. It's a lot of running. A lot of hiding from.. Police." He mumbled, grabbing his shirt and jacket before sighing. "I'm sorry, but since you keep asking for the impossible. Maybe we need to stop." He kissed the top of my head.

I was frozen. Stop? What do you mean stop? Don't leave me. Please don't leave me. I wanted to say all of this, but I couldn't speak. I just wanted my life go to the door, grab his keys and stop for a moment before opening the door and leaving me. Forever.

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