Usopp x Inventor!Reader (m)

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So, This one isn't sexual. Just Usopp meeting another inventor and shit

Roaring waves, the sound of the sail flapping in the breeze, this is it. The ocean, the sea. This is where he'd make his dream come true. The dream of being the greatest warrior on the sea. Though, as he stared off onto the sea he thought about it. The rest of the crew had been through their dreams.

Sanji had found the all blue and was always making amazing dishes for the rest of the crew. Nami had just finished her map and Zoro had beaten Mihawk. Though they were even until Zoro was too fast for the older swordsman.

Frankie's ship had made it all the way around the world, twice now. This was their third and the sunny couldn't have been in better condition. Robin had found out the void years, sharing them with the world and enlightening people. People ran across the world exploring these places where the poneglyphs are. Reading, learning.

Chopper had found the ultimate medicine and had treated every sick child and adult whenever they came across one. Brook had met Laboon and always sung to him when they crossed the redline.

The one person who had his dream completely made was their captain. The whole reason they came out here. The man who showed them that they didn't need to be the kind of pirates who raided every town or island. The king of the Pirates. Monkey D. Luffy. His heart was the size of this world, making children smile whenever they entered the town.
But there was one crew mate who didn't get to have his dream come true because he had always been afraid. Usopp. The crew's sniper and inventor. He had wished to became a great warrior, now he was just the lookout for the red haired pirates who often came by the straw hat's ship to greet Luffy.

Shanks had always tried to help Usopp. His father had shown him tons of ways to defeat an enemy. He even fought and won against his father many times. But it never satisfied him.

He sighed, watching the black sail of the red haired pirate appear in the distance. He squinted, seeing a flame then a large island came into view. His eyes widened as he recognized the booming laughter coming from the island.
"Luffy!" He scrambled, sliding down the ropes and running to the captain who had fallen asleep on Sunny's head. Snoring softly he groaned at the sound of his sniper's voice.

"Usopp.. It's too ear-" he was cut off by singing and laughter, sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and looked straight ahead.
Elbaf. The land of Giants. The land Luffy and Usopp had dreamed about. Their eyes glimmered with happiness as they made it to shore. Frankie had been at the helm, watching the two and very confused at the situation.

Once sunny had reached the beach beside the other ship, Luffy jumped off running toward the sound of laughter and the smell of meat. Usopp stood frozen, looking at the land he had dreamed about since Dorry had told him back when he first joined the straw hats. Which was five or so years ago now.

Giants sat the beach with the red haired pirates, laughing, singing and drinking to their hearts content. Once Usopp had noticed that his friendly giant family were there, he smiled the biggest he had since meeting them. One younger pirate who sat next to Shanks caught his eye though. What interested him was Shank's newly mech arm. His eyes widened as he stomped his way over.

"Usopp! Son! Ho-" Yasopp opened his arms to his son but was passed by when he did so. His face dropped when he saw where his son was headed. To his captain.

"Yes Luffy, the boy made it. I only use it when I need it. It's a prototype." Luffy was in awe of invention as his eyes sparkled at the gadgets hidden inside of it. Shanks lifted his eyes from the pirate king to see his sniper in complete awe as well. He smirked and hit the boy beside him on the back softly. "Usopp, I hear you're an inventor also. Making things for the Sunny over there every day. Why not take away (name) and have him help with a new invention of yours or he could show you his." Usopp gulped when his eyes when to the younger male beside the yonko. The boy's eyes were pale as if he were blind, and after a moment. He concluded he was blind.


Usopp followed the boy down into the belly of the red hair's ship. Gulping when he started to see wanted posters plastered on the walls. Coming across his own and his crew mates. They were separated from the rest and under a small golden plate that said "Family". It included all straw hats and most of the people from the whitebeards. His trance was hitched when he felt the presence beside him. The smiling, full eyed boy finally spoke.

"You know, you were one the first on here. First was Luffy for reasons of Shanks. Then you. Due to your father and his excitement of seeing you following your dreams." He spoke softly, unlike the rest of his crew who had dark, deep voices. His smile could light up the whole corridor. Before the straw hat pirate could say anything, his eyes caught bite marks and purple marks on the boy's neck and shoulders. His eyes widened as he looked back at the wall of posters.

"Our captain is pretty ruthless when he's drunk and needy." He said softly as he pulled the long nosed boy to his invention room. Cogs on the walls worked, tools scattered everywhere and drawings on a large desk showing his next invention and even ones that could take ages.

"You do all this, while.. You know." Usopp went quiet at the end of his statement, making the smaller boy laugh and nod.

"Yes, I do this while blind." He spoke in his soft tone and lifted his hand. There was blisters, cuts, burns on both of the small hands. Usopp could tell how many hours he worked just by those hands and his greased face. He also knew that he was well fed, happy and content about this living situation. "I'm happy for you. Meeting straw hat at that soft time. I wish I had met my captain at the same time I had a hard time with my island." His smile started to light up the room again, making Usopp's face flush. Mentally thanking God for the boy being blind.

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