a long night

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Bolt pov:

Mom was sitting down down in a green chair as dad went back and forth between the room.

Roy was out on a free partorl.
"What , we're you thinking"?! Dad yelled at me.

I wasnt thinking.
That was the thing.

"You could've been killed"! He yelled.

"WHY, YOU DON'T THINK I CAN HANDLE MYSELF"! I yelled at my father.
He stood back suprised at me but still mad.
My mother looked at my father , worried I was going to do something stpuid.

"Alex.." my mother started, but was rudely intrupted.
"No, don't get in this dihan"! Dad said. "DON'T TALK TO MOM, THAT WAY, AND I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF YOU ASSHO..." I screamed but then was intrupted with a cold , pain on my chest and felt pain all through my back.

My father. Oliver queen hit me and i was pushed over. Hitting and knocking over a cd rack.

My mother gasped at my father's rough attions. My eyes widen.

My father looked suprised at his own actions.

"Oliver"! My mother cried as she helped me up and hugged me.

I got up and left the room.

"Alex"! My mother cried.
I kept walking.
Roy walked in the house in regular clothes.

"Hey, kiddo.. what's happ... wait what's wrong"? Roy said as he then notice something was wrong.

"Go ask, "dad" ". I told him as a gave hand motions towards my door. Tears spilling out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

Roy hugged me but I pulled away , running out the front door.

(Time skip)

I was walking around town again. In the complete darkness.
I was wearing my hero outfit.
"Bolt"? A young vocie said behind me.

It was robin.
"Oh, hey there rob" I said as I look foward.
"Did your dad really hit you"? He asked me.

I put my head down low. The word spreads fast around here.
"I know your a detective , but how the hell did you know so quickly"? I asked him, tears thretening to escape.

"Roy came by, and ask if you were at the mountian. He then explained everything to us" robin told me. I nodded in understanment.

"May I sit with you"? He asked.
"Of course" I said as I patted a spot next to me.

He sat on the edge of the rooftop with me. We looked into the stariy night.

"You ok"? He asked.
I loved it, how he cared.
"Yeah" I wishpered, not wanting to ruin the perfect senory around us.

The tall buildings brighting the night along with the stars.

"Want to go back to the cave"? He asked.
"Yeah sure" I said as as I stood up and walked towards the ladder.

"By the way..." I said out of the blue.
"You ask a lot of questions" I told him.

"That's what a detective does" he said as we walked to a zeta tube.

Hoped you guys liked this chapter. IL am sorry I am slow on this story. I am working on like 4 other stories. So please be patient and cheak out my other works. Thank you.

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