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( A few days later)
me and megan became really close. I trusted her with things.i even told her my real identity. We talked about how she likes conner and she thinks I like robin. Witch I dont.... do i?
Anyways me and megan were walking towards the cave.
"BOLT"! I heard someone yell. I looked from my left where megan was to in front of me. Robin called me over. Megan saw wally and auqalad and walked over to them. Leaving me standing as robin ran over to me.
"Hey, robin" I said.
"Hey, umm I .. I was" robin stuttered.
"TEAM"! Batman yelled.
"We have a mission" he said.
I smiled and robin sighed.
"You were saying"? I asked the raven haired hero.
"I was going to tell you..." robin paused as he look to his right then back at me.
"That we should go to the bio ship" robin said.
"Oh, um ok" I said as I walked passed him towards the ship as miss Martian flew next to me.
Kf and robin were talking as conner and aqualad were following us.

Robin ' s p.o.v
I was talking to bolt. Wow that beautiful blonde hair. Blue eyes? I look over to kf , he gave me a nod.
"Hey imm.. I ..was" I could say.
The batman yelled. Got dami it.
"You were saying"? She asked me, me! "Um.. that we should go to the ship" I said. I look over to kf again , he was shaking his head , clearly disappointed.
"Ok" she said as she walked pass me. I ran over to kf.
"The hell happen"? Kf asked.
"I don't know" I told him.
"What did you do"? He asked.
"I messed up" I said.
"Duh"! He said.

bolts pov:
We were going to happy harbor there was a destribence. Megan , flew us there in the buo ship. Once we got there , people were runing away, we got outside. "Alright, guys" auqalad said. A tornado appreard. "Robin, are tornados common in new England"? Aqualad asked. He was gone, all I heard a cackle. We went inside it was a man he was making wind blow towards us. Our feet being stuck to the ground and dragging us across the drit. "Who's your new friend"? Superboy asked robin. "I don't know, but he plays kinda rough" robin yelled as I helped him up.
Kid flash ran towards him and kicked him. But he was blown away.
"My apologies, the name is twister" the man said.
"Nice name, i wonder how you go it" I said.
I heard kid flash and robin laugh. I smiled.
"Nice one blondie" kf said.
"I don't think your little insults effect me" the man said to me and aimed his arm/gun at me. I summer salt out of the way.
I reached for an arrow and string it through my bow. Aiming it at him. Of course me knowing he knew that I was aiming with my bow. But he didn't know what robin, ready to through an explosive.
"I was repared to be with a real superhero" twister said. I shot my bow he blew it away. Robin took this time to through it. He blew one away. Another stuck to him, but he flicked it off. "Do you have no super vision"? He asked.
"I find your childish behavior, destribing" he said.
"WERE NOT CHILDREN"! Me and robin both yell.
I aimed another arrow, at him. Superboy ran to wraps him only to be thrown back. Megan was hit by superboy. Aqualad and robin ran towards him. I shot my arrow, hitting him in the arm.
"Nice shot" Megan said to me as she flew next to me.
"Thanks" I said.
"I am done"! The man yelled as he blew all 5 of us away. He walked through the back door, to outside where wally was.
We followed ,
"Quick read his mind" I told megan.
"I thought I wasn't allowed" Megan said.
"I shots alright with the bad guys" superboy yelled.
She tried to read his mind.
"Hello megan, Mr twister is red tornado in desgiuse" Megan said.
"How many androids do you know that can make tornados"? She asked.
It made perfect sense.
"Oh my god, megan your a genuis"!
################ time skip########
We lost the first time, he wasn't RT. But in the end we won.

I was talking to wally and superboy. Untill wally walked away for some reason bringing superboy with him. I turned around to see robin in his dark green hoddie, jeans and black sunglasses.
"Oh hey rob" I greeted.
"So I, umm wanted ...wanted to ask you som..something" he stuttered.
What could be making him so nervous?
"Dooo do you, um wa-" robin was interrupted by my father.
"Bolt"! My father called.
"Comming"! I yelled.
"You were saying"? I asked.
"Never mind" he huffed and walked away.

I hoped you guys liked this.

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