runaway pt. 2

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Black canary pov:

I was cleaning the from dinner. Oliver went on patrol with roy.
Alex was still in her room.

What roy did wasn't right, but what she did was unacceptable. I finshed the dishes and walked to alex's room.

I knocked on alex's door, but she didn't open it. Silence , I open the door and she was gone.

Her window was wide open. And there was a paper on her paper.

I read the note and a tear fell down my cheek. I graped my phone and called oliver.

Oliver pov:

My phone went off as I was on patrol with roy.
I picked it up as I notice it's was dian.
"Hello" -GA
"Olvier alex is gone"- bc.

She sounded worried.
"What do you mean, she's gone"? -ga.
"She left, her window is wide open, she left a note"-bc.

I hung up the phone.
"Red arrow "! I yelled.
He looked up at me.
"Keep an eye out for bolt" I told him he nodded his head and ran a few building tops away from where I was.
'Why In the world would she leave just like that, and where would she go'? I thought.

"Ga"! I heard roy yell.
I turned to look at my son, he was at least a block away. I ran over and jumped the rooftops.

Bolts pov:
"I don't want to relax"! I yelled.
I looked at ra.
"How do you know me"? I asked.
"Batman" he told me, as he smiled.
'Does batman know my real identity'? I asked myself.
" Now my dear , I need you to come with me" he said to me as he turned.
"No" I told him.
He stoped from his spot and looked over his shoulder.

"I know you don't know me,but that is not the wisest choice" ra said.
"Oh well" I said as I booked it down the street.

No way could he beat me. And I was right.
I then saw batman and robin on rooftop two buildings away. I decided to turn one conner in a dark lonely all year and change into my bolt costume.

I climbed the ladder and was about to jump the building to meet the two. But I heard a vocie.

"She is fighter. ... and a runner" that vocie... ra!
I hid behind a vent.
"She's just sacred of you" someone said. It was a lighter vocie ... Robin!
"No... she's on to us" a vocie so familiar it had to be batman.

I didn't want to deal with this .
I raised my head over the vent and put one of my arrows in my bow.
I amied at ra.
This man doesn't need to breath... wait. What am I thinking.

"BOLT"! Someone yelled.
I was scared and ended up letting my arrow go. 'Crap' .
I turned my head to see my father and brother in there costumes.
I turned back towards the three people.
Robin was suprised and batman looked pissed as ra was laying on the rooftop.
'I am just a swear bear tonight' I thought.

I ran.... all the way home, they only one that followed me was red arrow.
And my mom saw me .
"Hi" I said in a nervous tone.

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