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Clayton P.O.V
It's about half an hour away until the reveal of the dead tributes and I'm quite scared to be honest, what if Lisa is one of them? Nah she can't be, it's Lisa for crying out loud! I haven't seen anyone since Devin and I'm actually happy about that. A couple of hours ago the cannon went off twice, wonder who it was?
I've been walking trying to find the best spot to spend the night but it's pretty hard. I stop for a second and pull out a water bottle and take a small sip of it, better to drink little now and when I really need it I can drink more.
When I'm putting my water away I heard a crinkling in the bushes and I immediately put my bag on and clutched my dagger and got low in hopes of whatever that was didn't see me. I look at the bushes for a good five minutes until I decide that there's nothing there so I get back into a regular standing position and just as I did that someone just came running out of the bushes with a knife running straight at me.
"Shit" I mutter as I watched the boy come running at me with the knife and I quickly jumped out of the way and got into a fighting stance.
He came at me once more but hit my right in the arm, FUCK! I glanced to my left and saw there was an opening to escape, I looked at the boy and side kicked him in the side which caught him off guard. I started running towards the opening running full speed as I was swerving in and out of trees. I was Wel ahead of him until I tripped over a branch and fell, I tried to get up but my ankle was screaming in pain, well fuck.
I watched as the boy approached me and that's when I realized he was from district 3, Colt his name is I think. Well I guess I had a good run, I look up at the sky in hopes of seeing my family but sadly there's not a face to be seen.
Colt picked up his knife about to stab me and I shut my eyes waiting for he blow but it never came, I opened my eyes and saw Colt holding his side and then I watched as an arrow went straight through his skull.
"Holy shit" I muttered as I watched Colt drop to the ground dead as a cannon went off. I looked in the direction the arrow came and to my surprise it was Lisa. Wait Lisa just killed him? Say what!
"Clayton!" She shouted while running towards me and kneeling down next to me.
"You okay?" She asked me and I nodded as she helped me up. I started to walk until I almost face planted but Lisa somehow managed to catch me.
"Your ankle?" She asked me and I nodded, she let me put most of my body weight on her and brought me over to a little hidden spot. Once we got to it I sat down while Lisa got some bandages out of her bag.
"Lemme bandages your arm" she told me and I nodded.
"Thanks Lisa" I told her and she smiles at me and nodded.
"You didn't even looked phased when you killed him" I told her and she sighed and I flinched when she put the bandage on my arm because boy did that hurt.
"Did it twice already, used to it I guess" she said and my eyes widened, she already killed 2 people! This girl has a streak going, thank god I'm on her side otherwise I'd probably be dead right now. Oh shoot I have to tell her about Devin, that little asshole wants to kill her.
"Lisa" I say softly and she looked at me questionably.
"I gotta tell you something important" I tel her and she nodded.
Lisa P.O.V
"I gotta tell you something important" Clayton said suddenly and I felt my heart beating faster and I thought it would pop out of my chest.
"Y...Yeah?" I stuttered, dammit Lisa he could be confessing to you don't act stupid!
"I overheard Devin and his little posse saying that they want to kill you" he told me and my heart sank and I had knots in my stomach. Dam I thought he was gonna confess, but instead of good news I get this, great so I'm a target, how freaking lovely.
"Lovely" I muttered and finished bandaging his arm and sat down next to him.
"Don't worry we're together now, we can take them. There's about 4 of them I think" he said and I nodded.
Suddenly the sky lit up and we both looked up and saw all the bodies who were killed, there were 10 bodies and I saw the 3 people I killed, those 2 guys and that 1 girl. I didn't even mean to kill her, I also saw the girl that was killed by that one boy, I feel bad for her family. Losing a family member is really hard especially when your in your teen years, it's just awful.
God I wonder what my sisters think of me, a monster probably. I killed 3 people in one freaking day, I just hope the girls didn't have to witness it but they probably did.
I can't believe 10 people are already dead, 14 left to go. I really hope I don't have to kill any of those 14 but I probably will.
"So 10 people dead huh?" Clayton said and I nodded.
"It's just so sad especially when I killed 3 of the 10" I tell him and I hear him sigh.
"Remember it was for your life and my own, you saved me remember that and you have to kill of you want to see your sisters again alright?" He tells me and I nodded but it didn't stop the tears that began to fall.
I suddenly felt strong arms around me and I saw Clayton hugging me, God he's so freaking nice.
"It's okay, let it out alright" he tells me and I just cry into his chest for a few minutes until I calm down.
"Hey you should get some sleep alright, I'll keep watch and then I'll wake you for your watch okay?" He tells me and I nod and I take my bag off and placed it under my head and soon enough I was taken away from reality and was thrown into a pit of darkness.

A/N: Here's the next chapter guys!! I think I'm gonna be posting 1 a day this week because I'm going to be working on the one shot book as well, it will come out soon enough so be prepared!
So tell me how y'all liked it! Little bit of action eh? Ain't Clayton cute tho, letting her cry like that so adorbs! And Lisa coming in clutch once again. Comment what you like and maybe hit that little star button to vote?
See y'all l8er!

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