Together Forever

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Lisa P.O.V
As me and Clayton were hugging a peacekeeper entered the lobby and walked over to us.
"Lisa, Clayton we need you to take some more tests please, you will see your gmail T after and then head to district 12." He said and we nodded.
I hugged each of my sisters and then Clayton helped me back to my room. I hugged him and crutched my way into my room and sat on the bed and soon enough my nurse, Rose came into the room.
"I'm just gonna check your vitals and rewrap your body alright?" She asks me and I nodded.  She grabbed one of those blood pressure things that go on your arm and she started squeezing and I only flinched twice and she recorded it on the clipboard.
"I'm gonna rewrap you now okay" she told me and I nodded. She lifted my shirt up and took off the other bandage and I saw a pretty nasty scar but soon was covered in fresh bandages. She then moved to my arms and unwrapped my right arm which had a lot of stitches and she quickly put some alcohol on it which made me flinch but then wrapped it again.
"Okay, well that's it, your train is leaving within the hour and you and your family have to board to get back to your district." She told me and I nodded.
She helped me up and gave me my crutches again and I started walking back to the lobby where my sisters were with there bags and I smiled when I saw them. They came over to me and hugged me again.
"You ready to go back home Lise?" Kath asked and I nodded. We basically just waited around until the train came and we boarded as I had help from my sisters and we got into our train cart. God I can't believe I'm actually going home, I watched as Clayton and his family boarded as well and I gave him a smile as he went to a cart on the other side of the train.
"Attention passengers we are taking off for district 12! Enjoy the ride, we shall be arriving within 5 hours" the announcer said and I watched as Jackson entered the cart.
He walked over to me with a big smile on his face.
"Great job Lisa, you really kicked ass out there" he told me and I smiled sheepishly, God I'm not even close to proud to what I've done. I don't even know how many people I killed but I think it was some stupid record or something.
Jackson smiled and Ben walked off in Clayton's direction, I guess to congratulate him as well.
I looked at my sisters and saw they were basically all out cold except for Amy who was staring out the window. I quietly got up but Amy saw me and looked at me confused.
"Where are you going?" She asked me
"Fresh air" I tell her and she nodded and I walked out to the back of the train and I placed my crutches down and leaned over the railing.
God I killed so many people, I didn't mean to kill that first girl, she didn't even have a chance! The second boy, my anger took control and I just killed him without a second thought! Scar nearly killed me, and I just killed Jacob I think his name was without thinking and crystal God I never wanted to kill her, she seemed to sweet but got thrown into this hellhole. Then we have Becky, yeah sure she was a bitch but killing her wasn't the answer and then Devin,God he hated me but he just wanted to win with Becky and live a life.
By now I have tears streaming down my face and I looked up at the sun which is not setting and I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head and saw Christina.
"Lise what's wrong?" She asked getting concerned.
"I'm a killer Christina, a cold hearted killer" I cried and buried my head into her shirt and she started rubbing circles around my back.
"No, your not okay, you had to kill them to survive, you wanted to get back to us, God your no killer baby girl, mom and dad would be so proud." She told me and I just cried even harder.
"I am a killer Christina! They all had families and I just took them away from them, God I hate this! I should of died, I SHOULD OF DIED!" I cried and Christina grabbed my hands and looked at me.
"Lisa Michelle Cimorelli DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT! You should be here, you risked your life for Lauren so god help me you definitely deserve to be here okay, God we love you Lisa and if we lost you our family would of went downhill so bad, you had to kill to survive alright." She told me and I nodded and hugged her.
"Thanks Chris" I told her and she smiled and nodded. We walked back inside and I went into my seat and leaned my head on the window and was engulfed by the darkness.
I woke up to loud screaming outside the train and I looked at my sisters who were smiling.
"Go to the back of the train" Lauren told me and I nodded and got up and just as I got up Clayton came over with a confused expression as well.
"You have any idea of what all this screaming is about?" I asked him and he shrugged and we both walked towards the back and once we opened the door we saw hundreds of people cheering and going crazy and when we stepped out they went even louder if that's even possible.
"Well this was unexpected" I told him and he nodded as well while laughing.
We both leaned over the railing and waved at everyone and Clayton grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
"This is something we have to get used to then" he told me and I nodded.
"Lisa?" Clayton said and I looked at him.
"Yeah Clay?" I anwsered
"Together forever?" He asked and I smiled and brought our intertwined hands up towards the sky.
"Together forever" I told him and he smiled and he brought me into the most passionate kiss I've ever had. Well our life still has a bunch of obstacles ahead but as long as we're together we will always win.

A/N: Well guys that's the end!!!! 😭 I don't know when I'll start the sequel because I'm still working out the plot but I am thinking of doing another Laurisa or even a Lamy story, if you have any ideas for it let me know guys!!! Hoped y'all enjoyed the book!!! Love y'all!
See y'all l8er!

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