Final Words

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Clayton P.O.V
Saying goodbye to my family was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do, watching my brothers cry like that is heartbreaking. All of us were pretty close and its like there losing one third of their lives.
I wonder how Lisa's sisters took it because I know that they are super close, that must of been a sight. I told them that I will always watch over them as I'm there older brother and I will always watch over them no matter what.
Chantry took it pretty hard because we were always the closest, I hope that he dosen't do anything stupid.
Connor was trying to be strong but I knew he was broken on the inside, that's the worst feeling seeing someone you love broken like that and you can't do anything about it.
I check the time and see that it's 7:00, still got some time and were allowed to sleep late tomorrow considering the situation. Guess they want everyone to have one last good sleep.
I grabbed a jacket and decided to go get some fresh air. I walked out the door and to a balcony that was near my room and once I got there I saw someone leaning over looking at the sky. I walked closer and it revealed it to be Lisa, wonder how she's holding up.
I just walked next to her and leaned over the railing looking at the beautiful evening sky. I turned my head to be facing her and I saw that her face was fully tear stained. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and she started to cry silent tears.
"Shh, it's okay" I whispered and I started rubbing circles around her back. A few minutes later she finally calmed down and I pulled away from her and wiped the tears from her face.
"Hey, your too beautiful to cry" I tell her and she lets out a small chuckle.
"Thanks Clayton" she said and I nodded. From this moment on I know I have to protect her in the games even if I die doing it.
"Your gonna see your sisters soon enough Lise, I can promise you that." I told he and she nodded.
"I just want them to have a good life, if I do die I want them to forget about me but that will never happen." She told me and I sighed.
"Lisa your gonna get back to them I promise, I will not let you die okay, your gonna see your sisters again." I tell her and she starts to smile.
"Let's go back to our rooms and get some sleep alright?" I asked her and she nodded, once we got inside we looked at each other and then smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow Lise, get a good night sleep" I told her and we parted ways. I walked into my room and put on a sweatshirt and hopped into bed and finally closed my eyes and was taken over by exhaustion.
Lisa P.O.V
I'm walking back to my room when someone grabbed my hand and turned me around.
"What the heck?!" I half shouted and I saw this guy who was about 6 ft tall and vey built, he had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
"You got the highest score in the class when I should" he spat at me with venom in his voice.
"Well I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting to get that" I told him and he just pushed me into the wall. What is this dudes deal? Your not supposed to attack anyone before the games like really.
"I don't give a shit, just know that your number one on my kill list bitch" he spat at me and shoved me once more before walking away.
I shivered at his words and walked back to my room, he really wanted to kill me? I slipped into some clothes to sleep in and I crawled into my bed, god what's gonna happen tomorrow. Am I gonna die? I wanna at least last 2 days. If there's a bow and I get it I should be okay but if I don't then God only knows what will happen.
Finally my exhaustion took over me and I was brought into a pit of darkness.
I opened my eyes the the bright sun glowing down on my bed and I sat up. Today's the day, God please help me. I got up and got into some clothes and walked to Jackson's room and I knocked on the door. A few seconds later he opened it and led me inside.
"Take a seat Lisa" Jackson told me and I did as told.
"Once Clayton gets here we will talk about today." He told me and I nodded, I still can't believe what happened yesterday. I'm not sure but I think his name was Devin and he's from district 1, the freaking wealthy district.
"Hey Lisa" Clayton said breaking me from my thoughts, when did he get here? Oh well he's here now, time to find out how all of this works.
"Okay so I'm going to get straight to the point" Jackson said while taking a seat across from me and Clayton.
"Don't go after people, let them come to you, get a weapon and a good amount of food and drink and wait it out, only fight when necessary and some people will team up which I think is stupid but as long as you 2 stick together you should get through this. You both had very high scores, Lisa you need to get your hands on a bow or some sort of knife and Clayton you need to get a spear or a sword if possible." He told us and we nodded.
He continued explaining for about an hour but then he checked his watch and nodded at us. It's time, we both got up and Jackson escorted us to the elevator and we boarded but Jackson has to stay since he isn't in the games.
"Good luck guys, protect each other and stay safe" he tells us and we nod.
"Tell my family that I love them and if all goes to shit tell them to move on and live a life without me" I tell him and he nods, Clayton said the same thing and then he pressed the button to go down.
Once we got down peacekeepers escorted us to the arena and once we walked through I saw a large forest. At least it isn't gonna be a frozen landscape or something like that.
I was looking around and then I looked up and saw all the families looking, I spotted my sisters and I gave them a small wave and blew a kiss to them. I looked at Amy and we locked eyes and I put my hand over my necklace and pulled it out so she can see and once she did she smiled. I put it back under my shirt and looked at Clayton.
"You ready?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I told him and he nodded. I saw other tributes coming in and then I saw Devin and when he walked past me he shoved right into me. Okay then, I saw Clayton get pissed because he was clenching his fists and he was about to go walk over to him but I grabbed his arm.
"It's not worth it" I told him and he sighed.
"Why did he do that?" He asked me and I sighed and quickly explained to him what happened yesterday and Clayton had anger burning through his eyes.
"You can get him in the games, I'm perfectly fine and he ain't going to touch me, I'll tel you that much" I told Clayton and he nodded.
We finally made it to our chambers and I hopped into mine as Clayton did the same.
"Welcome everyone to the 82nd Annual Hunger Games!" President Lowe shouted into the mic and a lot of people were cheering, who the hell cheers at this?
"I wish you all good luck tributes and May The Odds Be Forever In Your Favor" he said and I saw the cornucopia rise from the ground. I quickly scanned it hoping for a bow and soon I thought I lost all hope but then I saw a small bag with a bow hanging out of it, YES! I get into a position to start running and wait for the cannon to go off.
I take one last look at my sisters and mouth "I love you" to them and hopefully they saw it. I looked at Clayton and he saw the bag and nodded, at least we have each other.
The next thing I knew was the cannon going off and everyone running towards the cornucopia including me.
"Game on" I muttered while I was running...

A/N: Oh snapples guys!! We got some tension and next chapter will have the start!! I'll see if I can update again because I do have a quiz I have to study for net period and I'm scared shitless for it but once I finish my quiz next period I'll study then start writing! Hoped y'all liked it! Let me know what you guys thought of it!!!
See y'all l8er!

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