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Amy P.O.V
I opened my eyes to the bright sun coming in through our opened Windows and I sat up slowly while rubbing my eyes. I looked around to see Kath and Chrissy's bed empty, I guess their up early today. Oh shoot today..... The reaping. I slowly hop out of bed and walked inside to see Christina and Kath making food while Lisa was talking with Dani and Lauren. Wow, I woke up late!
"Morning sleepyhead" Kath said to me and I gave her a small smile and sat down at the table. Kath and Christina placed food on the table and we started eating.
"After this we all have to get dressed and then we will head down to the square." Christina told us and we nodded, no one said a single word after that. After we finished eating I went into the room I shared with Kath and Christina and put on a floral dress and some flats and I just fixed me hair. I walked out to see Lauren, Dani, and Lisa dressed already and we just needed to wait for Kath and Christina.
About 5 minutes later they both came out and nodded at us which can meant let's go. We al started walking and I was next to Lauren so I grabbed her hand and clutched it as she did the same. We got to the square and it was filled with tons of people already but we managed to get a spot in the middle. I was stuck between Lisa and Lauren and I saw the fear in each and everyone one of my sisters eyes, let's hope we can get by this year. We waited another hour until the announcer started speaking.
"Welcome district 12 for the 82 annual Hunger Games!" He shouted happily but no one said a word because no one was even happy about this.
"Glad to see your all happy about this!" He continued and then started explaining the rules which I've heard a ton of times already so I basically zoned out and studied the crowd. I saw so many faces of pure fear and it was scary, though you have to be over 11 to be entered but you can't be over 21 either. They gave Kath mercy of her getting out of it because of what happened to our parents which was good I guess. But the announcer spoke words that sent my blood cold and I gripped Lauren and Lisa's hands as they did the same back.
"Now shall we choose the girl to represent district 12" the announcer said as she went to the bowl and reached her hand into it and pulled it out and walked back to the mic.
"And this years girl representing Distrcit 12 is..." Once she said that I held in my breathe but everything seemed to go in slow motion soon after.
"LAUREN CIMORELLI" the announcer spoke and my eyes went wide.... NO!
Lisa P.O.V
This can't be happening, not my Lauren, my lolo, my ladybug just NO! I looked at Lauren and she looked as pale as a ghost and was shaking.
"Lauren Cimorelli please come up on stage" she said and Lauren started to move and people gave her a pathway through. She was walking so slow because she was shaking so bad, I honestly think she might fall. I looked at the rest of my sisters and see that their all crying but I'm holding in my tears, I won't allow my baby sister get killed, I can and I won't.
Lauren finally got up and stage and many people were shouting because she was so young and how it wasn't fair but I did the one thing I could do. I started running towards the stage
"I VOLUNTEER!" I shouted over and over and once I got to it I yelled once more.
"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" I shouted and I heard many gasps and the announcer smiled and motioned me to come up.
"Ah so we have a volunteer, this hasn't happened since the 27th Hunger Games. Lauren immediately ran to me and hugged me and started bawling.
"NO NOT HER PLEASE NO!" She was screaming like no tomorrow and I just held her and stroked her hair.
"Laur, ladybug it's gonna be okay, you have to go" I tel her but she refuses and I see my other sisters approaching while they are crying their eyes out.
"Someone take her off the stage" the announcer said pointing to Lauren but she wouldn't let go so a peacekeeper had to drag her off me. They brought her to my sisters and I saw her bury her head into Christina's shirt.
I turned my head back to the announcer and she was smiling, who the hell no matter how sick you are would smile at that.
"What's your name love?" She asked me
"Lisa Cimorelli" I responded with no emotion.
"I'm going to bet that was your little sister then" she asked and I nodded.
"Well now moving on, let's go ahead and pick out boy to represent District 12" she said as she walked back to the bowl to pick a boy out. She grabbed one and walked back and spoke into the mic.
"And this years boy representing District 12 is..." She said with suspense and I was hoping for someone good.
"CLAYTON JOHNSON!" She shouted and I felt my body go numb, him my childhood crush, God dammit why! I saw him walk up with a frown on his face and I looked back at his brothers and parents who all had a horrified expression.
"Thank you all for this years tributes! I hope you all have a good day and MAY THE ODDS FOREVER BE IN YOUR FAVOR!" She shouted and then turned to us.
"You have two days until you will be leaving" she said and we nodded. I walked off the stage and my sisters all came running towards me and were hugging me and crying.
"Lisa no!"
"I'll try to get them to turn this around!"
"Why you!"
They were all shouting but I pushed them off.
"I'm doing this guys and there's no stopping it" I told them and started walking home. I'm mostly pissed than scared, who's going to take care of my family when I'm gone? I think they will get things in return for me fighting to the death. I hope I will be able to see my family after this but I probably won't ever see them again once I leave and that's what scares me the most.

A/N: Here's the next chapter! I hoped you all liked it! Tell me what you thought of it. What's gonna happen? Well that's for you to find out! Stayed tuned for the next chapter!
See y'all l8er!

*The Games* CimorelliМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя