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Lisa P.O.V
Today is the first day of training which means we get to see who were up against, hopefully no one too tough. I got my training clothes and started putting them on and put my hair in a long pony tail and I walked out of my room to see Clayton and Jackson waiting.
"You ready?" Jackson asked me and I nodded
"Ready as I ever will be" I responded and we walked down to the old looking car and we got in.
It was about a 5 minute drive to the training facility and it was HUGE! We walked in and once I did I saw all the other tributes and they looked scary. Some of them looked at us and then laughed, great they already hate us. Basically if you compare us to them were the mouse and their the cat. Clayton is pretty built but compared to the other guys he's a shrimp.
A whistle blew and we all gathered in the center and the president came forward to speak with 2 peacekeepers behind him.
"Hello I'm President Lowe and welcome to your training! Today you will go around and learn new skills of your choice, I wish you all luck!" He spoke quickly and then was escorted out of the room.
"Okay you guys go learn some survival skills and I will talk with you guys after" Jackson told us and we nodded. Okay I think I'm going to go to the medical station because learning that will be very helpful. As I'm walking towards it I look to see everyone else basically going to the fighting stations. I'm seriously screwed but I promised Lauren I will fight and I intend on keeping that promise.
I walk over to the lady running it and gave her a small smile.
"Hello looking to learn about first air?" She asked me and I nodded.
"I'm Morgan" she said and shook my hand.
"Lisa" I said quickly and she nodded. She went on about all this medical things like how to properly bandage a wound and a bunch of other things.
"I'm not supposed to really tell you this but I suggest whatever skill your good at don't show it off here, do it in the impressions because everyone is watching" she told me quietly and I nodded. I'm not gonna do anything with the bow or dagger because I'll save that for the impressions.
"Thank you" I tell her and she nodded. I got up and walked over to a survival station and the guy explained to me about what I should do and not to do, showed me how to make a very small fire and how to make rations of food.
I thanked him and got up and I saw most of the other tributes still at the sparring and obstacle coarse stations. I looked around and saw Clayton at a station that had many different knives, I guess he likes knives or something. Well tomorrow is the day that I'm scared for, I know my sisters will be watching and once I show them what I can do they will probably be super shocked.
Lauren P.O.V
I opened my eyes and the room I was in was completely different, I sat up and everything came flooding back. The games, my Lisa is going to die I just can't believe it. Tomorrow is her impression and I highly doubt she will be able to do anything that will make her survive.
I swung my legs off the bed and I stood up and I quickly got into some clean clothes and I put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out and went to Amy and Dani's room, yes I'm sleeping solo because there's only 5 of us now.
I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a tired looking Dani.
"Morning Lauren" she said tiredly while rubbing her eyes.
"Morning" I replied and walked in and I already saw the others in there, I guess Kath and Christina got up early and came in.
"Okay guys lets go get some breakfast, remember that there is going to be other families there so please be respectful." She told us and I nodded.
We walked down to the dining hall and saw many families already eating, wow those people get up early. I walked over to the food cart and grabbed some eggs and French toast and sat down with my sisters.
"Attention, I need everyone's attention!" Someone shouted at the other end of the hall and I looked over and saw a peacekeeper standing there.
"You may all watch the training session going on now if you wish" he announced and walked off and I looked at my sisters and we all hopped up and basically ran to the viewing room.
Once we got there I started searching for Lisa and I found her at some medical thing.
"She's right there!" I shouted at my sisters and pointed to her.
"LISA!" Dani shouted while banging on the window but a peacekeeper made her stop.
"It's soundproof and also it's tinted so they can't see you" he tells her and she nodded sadly.
I then noticed all the other tributes and they looked like freaking mini HULKS! They were all huge and built! What the heck that's not fair! My Lisa is a twig compared to them and do is Clayton. I then noticed the lady Lisa was talking to whispered in her ear and Lisa nodded. I watched as she walked over to some survival station I think but I'm not entirely sure.
I looked around and saw the other tributes fighting and sparring. Why isn't Lisa doing that? She needs to learn how to fight! I hope she knows what she's doing because I can't lose her. She's my role model, she did everything for me and now she's sacrificing herself for me and it's just not fair, though I think Lisa has a better chance than I ever would. I put my hand in my pocket and I felt her knife and I clutched it, Lisa please be okay our there.

A/N: Here's the next chapter!! Next one should be a little bit more interesting guys! It will get very intense once the actual games start so just wait it out!!! Tell me what y'all thought of it! Love y'all to pieces!! <3 <3
See y'all l8er!

*The Games* CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now