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Thinking of starting a new book, should I? :)

Gah one direction are adding more tour dates for the UK, hoping to get tickets this weekend!!:) Wish me luck!:)

Harry's Pov

I woke up early the next morning in Niall's arms, all seem to be doing lately is falling asleep on Niall I'm some way. Not that I'm complaining, he's way Comfier than my mattress at home. He's like a fluffy pillow stuffed with feathers, only he has an Irish accent and smells of Niall.

I slipped out of his arms gently as he continued to snore lightly, hugging the side of the sofa like a stuffed bear.

I crept into his kitchen barefoot and closed the door quietly behind me, being careful not to slam it shut.

Since he made me breakfast the day before, I wanted to repay the favour. Plus he's been offering his home to be for the past few days, the least I could do is cook him something for breakfast.

I grabbed a jug out of the cupboard and eggs out of the fridge. I cracked the eggs on the side of the jug and allowed the contains of the shell to run down into the jug. I mixed them gently with a fork and added milk. I added some salt and pepper for seasoning and placed the jug in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

"Do I smell food?" Niall came into the kitchen, hungrily sniffing the air.

"Yep" I chuckled as I plated up the eggs with some toast and butter. "Hope scrambled eggs are okay"

"As long as you made them, you're an awesome chef" he took a seat on a stool and dug into his eggs.

I sat down next to him a couple of moments later once I'd poured us both a glass of orange juice.

"Tanks" he muttered with a mouthful of toast as he took a sip of the fruit juice.

"No problem" I chuckled and dug into my own plate of food.

It tasted pretty good if I do say so myself.

"Want to go somewhere? I'm sick of being stuck in this house" Niall moaned.

"Sure" I accepted.

"Want to borrow some clothes?"

"Please" we both chuckled.

An hour later and I was showered and dressed in Niall's skinny jeans and a plain blue jumper, it was almost September and it was getting pretty chilly outside.

Niall locked his front door and we walked down his garden path and out onto the road. As we walked along the pavement, the wind blew through my hair and the cars rushed passed us as people carried on with their everyday lives without even giving us a second glance.

We walked in the opposite direction to the park, I’d never been to this part of town before so I just went along with Niall and followed him down the pavement, not knowing where we could be heading.

“Where are we going?” I asked

“Surprise” he smirked and we continued walking.

I honestly didn’t have the slightest clue to where we were heading, we were passing a long road filled with houses which were around the same size as Nialls. If not bigger. They were huge, compared to my shack of a house anyway. But that didn’t take much; Starbucks was bigger than my house.

We walked onto a main road not long later, coming to a junction and crossing over the road and going back down some back streets after we passed a McDonalds. I’d never been to McDonalds, I always thought of all the wasted money and extra calories that I really didn’t need to carry.

“Are we nearly there yet?” I groaned.

“Almost” He grabbed my hand and pulled me around another corner.

We came face to face to an old worn down warehouse. I gave Niall a confused look to why we were at a long abandoned warehouse which was probably infested with rats and covered in dust and crime. It was probably home to a couple of hobo’s as well by the looks of things.

“Don’t look so disgusted” he laughed to himself and pulled me along to the front of the building.

Now the front of the building was so much more different to the back. From the back it looked vile but from the front it was alive and lights was flashing from neon signs here, there and everywhere.

No, Niall didn’t take me to a nightclub. Or a gay club. Or any type of club for that matter.

Even if he did, I wouldn’t touch a single drop of alcohol because of the monster it turns my uncle into. I’d rather not turn into a smaller, younger version of my uncle due to a couple of bottles of beer thank you.

Instead, he took me to a roller rink.

Teenagers and young adults were lining up outside of the building with their skates either on their feet or over their shoulders. Most girls were dressed in denim shorts and neon leg warmers and the men in skinny jeans and plaid shirts.

The men looked more attractive than the women, just saying. Even though the men who were quite obviously gay were wearing neon clothing with glow stick necklaces around their necks, they still looked pretty hot.

Niall was hotter though. Definitely.

“Stop eye-raping other men” Niall pouted as we joined the back of the line to enter the warehouse.

“I wasn’t!” I denied.

“Sure” he snickered.

“I wasn’t” I stomped my foot in defence, even though I was kinda lying.

Niall laughed “Okay, fine”

Niall paid for our entry fees and skate hires, much to my dismay. I promised him that I’d pay him back and he just shook my offer off, he told me to count it as our first date. I have to admit, my heart swelled a little and I had to choke back a couple of tears.

I’m an emotional guy okay? And the emotions hit me like a ton of bricks that night. I was like a hormonal teenage girl; I’m not even being dramatic.

I kinda forgot to tell Niall that I’d never wore a pair of roller skates in my life, never mind tried to skate on four wheels while other people are zooming past you backwards in short shorts trying to show off and making you feel like crap.

Niall also forgot to tell me that he was like a semi pro at roller skating.

No lie.

He rolled onto the rink backwards while holding both of my hands as I edged forwards towards the rink.

I was pretty much crapping my pants, I didn’t even know this town had a roller rink never mind been to it.

The first half an hour went pretty good, I managed to stay on my feet and put one in front of the other without collapsing on my arse in a heap in the middle of the floor.

Niall let go of me and I started rolling around on my own. I think that both Niall and I were very proud of my accomplishments.

Call me big headed or something, but I was pretty proud of myself and I’m not afraid to admit that.

“Look Niall! I’m doing it!” I shouted across the hall to Niall as I rolled around a corner.

Before I knew it Niall was screaming something from across the room and I collapsed on a heap on the floor with some woman on the top of me.

“Oh shit, Harry” Niall whispered as he approached me.

“What? I’m fine” I chuckled.

“How can you not feel that?”

“Feel what?”

“Your arm?” he asked confused.

I glanced down at my left arm. Blood was tricking down my forearm and onto the floor while the skin was ripped and things were sticking out, they weren’t meant to do that.

I felt my face drain of colour, the next thing I knew I was engulfed by darkness on the floor of the roller rink with Niall stood above me, panicking and trying to get somebody’s attention over the loud pop music playing.

Please, Just Leave Me To Die *Narry Storan*Where stories live. Discover now