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 Harry's POV

I didn't see the new kid again that day, Louis and the group must of told him some stupid lies just to keep him away from me. Just like they did with the rest of the school. Apparently I'm a man-whore who sleeps around every night and that's why I'm always tired, nothing to do with my Uncle, even though I'm still pretty sure I have my virginity.

I don't understand why they hate me so much, it isn't like I've ever done something to hurt them. I've just been me and kept to myself throughout school, they've just seemed to start bullying me throughout high school. It isn't like I threw punches at then or embarrassed them in front of the whole school, I'd understand why they pick on me everyday if I did. I certainly wouldn't be feeling sorry for myself either if it was my fault that they're treating me like this on a daily basis.

Every person who comes to this school or try's to talk to me they start on them. It starts off with them telling the person small, white lies about me then they grow into larger ones. If the person still doesn't believe them, then they start making lies up about them. The small lies turn into verbal abuse and threats then if they still stick by my side they get left behind the bike sheds bleeding and bruised after school on Friday afternoons, where nobody would find then until the caretaker comes in on Monday morning to find them half dead spread out on the hard concrete fighting for their lives.

I wish more than anything that someone, anyone, would just tell me what I did to deserve all of this. Is it karma from when I was seven and forgot to feed Bubbles, my goldfish for three days straight and he died? Does that count as murder? Is this some sort of God's revenge for me murdering my goldfish nine years ago?

It's pretty unfair if it is...

I finished up my day with PE last lesson, I can't stand it. For starters I'm stuck in a cramped, sweaty changing room with about twenty-five other boys who all have ripped torsos and biceps and are on every sports team that exists in the school. Then you get me, Harry Styles. Who can't kick a football for shit, who's stomachs so cut up there's barely any unscarred skin and who's so weak and pathetic, a girl in the other class could floor me in wrestling with her eyes closed before I even got to my feet.

I always have to get changed cramped in the corner of the room, pulling my shorts up my legs and to my belly button before I can pull on my gym shirt and then lower the shorts, not exposing any of my private secrets. I always need to wear skins under my gym shirt to 'keep myself warm' when really I just wear it to cover my arms. No need for anybody to know that though.

I'm always picked last for every team for any sport, even if it's somthing as simple as cricket or hockey, Styles is always picked last without fail. I've always been that kid.

It's not like im awful at sport, because im not. People just don't like me, therefore don't want me on their team. Especially Louis and his group of followers.

I pulled on my old, scruffy trainers and made my way into the gym, not making eyecontact with anybody. I'd only get called 'faggot' for staring at one of them. Nothing new there though, sadly.

I sat down on the gym floor, waiting for the teacher to show. He was always late though so I was normally just sat on the floor for fifteen minutes before he finally showed and began the lesson, sighing and tutting at me when I couldn't catch the ball in rugby or I'd miss a penalty in football. Just another person who's disappointed with me.

The other pupils started to slowly enter the room one by one, taking a seat around me on the gym floor, at least a foot away from me of course. They wouldn't want to 'catch gay', they act like its something you can actually catch. I don't even think that they know I'm actually gay, they're just using it as an insult to try and offend me though. I'm not offended though, why should I? I don't expect everyone to like me and my sexuality, but there isn't anything I can do about my choice in sex so I might as well accept myself. There's no point hating myself more than I already do.

The gym doors slammed and it seemed like everyone who was supposed to be in this class had took a seat on the floor, or so I thought until the new kid came rushing in looking flustered with one shoe untied on his left foot and the other in his hand.

He basically threw himself onto the floor next to me, giving me a small apologetic smile when be head butted my thiegh. He brushed his blonde fridge out of his eyes before sitting up and looking at me.

"I'm Niall, I didn't get to introduce myself earlier" he held his hand out for me to shake. I didn't know whether to accept it or ignore him, he was trying to be my friend. It isn't like I didn't want to be friends with him if he was willing to befriend me, I wanted to I really did. But I know that Louis would end up chasing him off and I'd end up hurt and hated by an extra person which I really didn't want. Not just for my sake, but for his aswel. I didn't want to see him get hurt in anyway because of me, he was too perfect and innocent.

"I'm Harry" I took his hand in mine, keeping an eye out for the gang but they were at the other side of the gym kicking a football against the wall while we waited for sir to finally turn up. He might get here on time one of these days.

"Have you been here since year seven?" he asked me, looking genuinely interested.

"Yeah" I mumbled and looked down at my legs.

"Aren't your friends in this class?" he looked around for people who might be showing some sort of interest in me, obviously there weren't any.

"I don't have any" I whispered, not wanting him to hear in a way. That way I wouldn't sound pathetic and lonely, even though I was.

"Neither do I" he smirked "Maybe we should be friends? You know, so were not both lonely?"

"I don't know"

"C'mon, what's the worst that could happen?

Oh Niall...

Oh, sweet innocent Niall...

If only you knew what they could do to you.

You're so innocent it could get you killed,

Please, Just Leave Me To Die *Narry Storan*Where stories live. Discover now