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Chapter 10! Wow, I soon got to double figures. I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck, I’m ill so please excuse me if my writing’s shitty.

Harry’s POV

I got released around half past five later that night, Niall carried by bag as we walked into the car park side by side. It makes me sound like ive just gotten out of jail when I say ‘released’ or something like that, I hadn’t though I promise, just been let out of the hospital.

“Are you hungry?” Niall asked as he threw my duffel bag onto the back seat of his car.

“Not really” I admitted truthfully.

“How are you not hungry Haz? You’ve not eaten a full meal this week and now you don’t even want food?” He shook his head in disbelief.

“I’m just not hungry is all” I tried to brush it off but Niall wasn’t having any of it.

“When’s the last time you ate a full mean Harry?” Seriousness built up in his voice as he used my real name rather than Haz.

I honestly wasn’t sure. When was the last time I ate a full meal? It had to be months, if not a year or so. I just didn’t feel hunger anymore; I’d grown used to living with an empty stomach.

“Haz?” Niall’s voice dragged me back to reality and I realised that I’d zoned out and was staring at Niall’s passenger car door.


“I said when’s the last time you ate properly?”

“Acoupleofmonthsagoithink” I rushed my words, hoping that he wouldn’t understand them and drop the conversation all together.

“Slow down mate” Niall chuckled.

“A couple of months ago I think, at least” I muttered.

“Harry” Niall became serious again and lost his chuckle “You need to eat, come on. We’re going getting food, I’m paying”

Niall basically pushed me into his car and forced the seatbelt around my thin waist, not letting me object and began to drive us to some sort of eatery.


We pulled up at a place called TGI Fridays and parked in a space near the front of the restaurant. It wasn’t very busy but I guess it was kind of early for people to be coming out and eating tea, I’d bet that It would get much busier in an hours’ time

We entered the restaurant and a nice lady with long brown hair tied back into a pony tail led us to a table near the back of the restaurant, near the bar.  She had bright blue eyes and a curvy figure with soft looking hair, she was undeniably pretty but as me and Niall both knew, girls just weren’t our thing.

“Take your time ordering and pay at the bar, have a nice night” She smiled at me and walked off to greet another larger family.

I tried to pick the smallest, cheapest meal on the menu but Niall insisted that I could pick anything I wanted. I would have just been happy with chicken nuggets from the children’s menu, I still wouldn’t finish that. I didn’t want him to waste his money on me.

“I’ll just have the small chicken salad” I smiled at Niall.

“Are you sure?” He asked, still going over the menu.

“Yep, thank you”

“Okay” Niall must have made his mind up for his meal because he stood up and made his way towards the bar to pay and order.

I sat twiddling my thumb for about five minutes while I waited for him to come back, I spent that time looking around the restaurant at the different families. They all seemed so perfect and I couldn’t help but wonder why my family weren’t like that. Why I didn’t have a family and why I only had Niall for comfort. Why do some people get such a good life where I was stuck living in a shack with my abusive uncle. If God exists, why did he choose me to live such a shitty life?

Niall came back sooner than I expected and sat back down in his seat, two glasses of lemonade in his hands. He placed one in front of me and himself, taking a large gulp of his own through a lime green straw.

“Are you okay?” Niall asked me concerned.

“Yep!” I exclaimed, trying to make it sound as realistic as possible.

Why couldn’t my family be perfect like everyone else’s?

Our food came not long later we were forcing small talk since I’d become distant. Niall didn’t in fact order me what I wanted; instead he ordered me a large chicken burger and fries. In his words I needed fattening up a bit, which wasn’t a lie. I managed to eat about a quarter of the fries, a third of the burger and a couple of fork fulls of coleslaw. I had to admit, it was good to eat a decent meal of amazing food. I barely stopped eating for about twenty minutes, until I was utterly stuffed.

Niall finished all of his meal, nicking a few of my chips and the rest of my burger as he looked at me proudly.

“Thank you” I wiped my mouth with a napkin.

“It’s my pleasure” Niall chuckled and licked his fingers.

I glowed at him, I’d finally found a friend after all of these years.

“I’m proud of you”

“Why?” I asked

“I didn’t think you’d eat so much of it” he beamed.

I didn’t know what I could say so I just smiled at him and waddled back to his car. I don’t think I’d eaten so much food ever in my life, I was so stuffed and bloated I could barely walk. It was worth it though; I’d finally made someone proud. That was the greatest achievement of the night, not just eating so much food. I couldn’t help but feel s extremely proud of myself and couldn’t stop beaming, that was until Niall dropped me off at the park and I walked through the doors of my house…

Please, Just Leave Me To Die *Narry Storan*Where stories live. Discover now