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Harry's Pov

Throughout PE class Niall stuck by my side, no matter how many times I tried to get him to leave me alone. I'd cut him off mid sentance by saying things like "I don't care" or "I get it!". I'd snap at him and I even told him to just leave me alone, he just refused and wouldn't let me out of his sight.

I'd been picked last again for basketball, surprise surprise. Whereas Niall got picked almost first because of his long arms and legs, though he refused to join Louis' team since they refused to let me on with him, I don't blame them for not wanting me on their team. I mean, who would? Nobody will more than ten braincells and a smidge of common sense.

Our team lost 3-4, not a bad score considering I was with all of the fat kids or the ones who couldn't catch a ball and didn't know the rules of basketball, it was basically me, Niall and a boy called Alex against the other team. I was pretty proud of the result of the match considering that.

"Aww, did you loose again Styles? That's a shame, why don't you go home and cry to your mummy?" Zayn sneered.

My good-ish mood changed to depressed and inches from crying within seconds. Zayn walked off straight away otherwise he would of seen me a blubbering mess, another reason for him to sneer or pick on me.

I walked back info the changing rooms, wiping the stray tears from my eyes as I made my way to my corner of the room.

Niall's pov

We'd actually come pretty close to winning the match considering we had about three real players compared to Louis and his followers. I don't see why they wanted me on their team, they didn't even know me. I wasn't bad at basketball though and my long limbs may be the reason they gave me an offer to play on their side.

I couldn't leave Harry though, even though I didn't know him I knew that I couldn't leave him. He had a sad, lonesome ora about him which made me want to stick by his side. I didn't want to stay by him out of sympathy, I wanted to out of pure friendship, if he'd let me be his friend of course.

He had been trying to push me away for the whole past hour, I refused to be put off by his demands or attitudes though. The poor lads being bullied, I need him to know that whatever he does I will still stick by him and stay his friend. A couple of harsh words weren't going to stop me wanting to befriend the boy with the curls, I was just to attracted to him to let him go. I obviously couldn't let him know that I'm attracted to him, that'd just be weird for him. He'd probably be freaked out that a guy fancys him and just try and avoid me even more. I don't want that at all, I decided that I should just keep my feelings to myself and hope for the best that I get over them eventually. Hopefully I do.

I walked back into the changing rooms to see the mop of curls tucked into the corner of the room. I walked over to him where my bag was on a hook a couple down from his, he didn't look up at me once.

"Hey Harry" I attempted to make conversation and keep myself from drooling at all of the half naked men surrounding me, even though I only had eyes for Harry.

"Hi" he muttered, pulling his shorts up high before sliding his arms out of his gym shirt while putting his school shirt around his shoulders. He fastened his top buttons before dropping the gym shirt to the floor and finishing fastening his shirt. What a weird way to change a shirt.

I started getting changed as he changed back into his trousers and pulling on his worn out school shoes.

I finished off by tying my tie around my neck and flattening my collar before pulling on my bag and looking at Harry, he had finished gotten changed by now and was fastening his shoe laces while leant on one knee on the floor.

"Can I walk home with you?" I asked hopefully. It wasn't that I didn't want to walk all the way home on my own, it was just that I wanted to spend more time with him. I was addicted to being around him, he was like a drug that I didn't want to stop injecting into me.

"Why would you want to?" he asked bitterly.

In all honestly, his question took me off guard. I was expecting a simple yes or no, or even just a why. Not why would I want to walk home with him.

"You seem nice" I smiled at him, not a fake or forced smile. A genuine friendly smile.

Harry's pov

"You seem nice"

I didn't know how to respond to his answer. Yes it was simple and short but it made my heart swell slightly. It was the first compliment I'd received in years. Even though it might not seem like a good compliment to you, it meant the absolute world to me.

"Thanks" I gave him a small smile and started walking out the changing rooms with Niall trailing closley behind me.

I couldn't get my hopes up though, I knew that Louis wouldn't let this friendship last much long. But It was nice while it was lasting though.


We were cutting through the park, almost ready to head our separate ways home with a silence surrounding us. The rustling of the oak trees and the quacks from the ducks on the lake were the only noises that could be heard, it wasn't an awkward silence though. We were both just deep in thought as we put one foot in front of the other as we crossed over the grass and towards the main road, where I would go left and Niall would go right.

"I guess this is goodbye" Niall chuckled "see you tomorrow?"

"Erm yeah, bye" he turned to walk away in the opposite direction from me.

"Niall?" I asked him, making him back around.


"Thanks, for everything"

"it's nothing Harry!" he smirked at me, a nice smirk though.

"It is, I was a twat"

"It's fine" Niall managed to say between chuckles. Gosh, that boy had the most angelic laugh i'd ever heard.

"Bye Niall" I waved and began walking down the street.

"See ya Haz"

'Haz'. It was short and simple yet perfect. I think my heart swelled even more and I was falling even harder for him.

Why couldn't Louis and the group just let this friendship last?

Everything good comes to an end eventually though, they'd make it impossible for us to be together. Sadly.

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