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Harry’s POV

I didn’t remember fully what happened to me that day. I woke waking up in a hospital bed with one of those thin gown type things on, covering my body and my head felt like it was going to explode from pounding against my skull. I groaned and tried to prop myself up on my forearms but collapsing back onto my pillow in agony.

The memories soon came back to me of what had happened. They flooded through my mind at incredible speeds. I remember what Louis and his followers said to me in class then going into the boy’s bathroom to die but Niall saved me. I didn’t know whether to be thankful or curse at him for not letting me leave this cruel place.

In the end I did both, sort of. I muttered a few curse words to myself but also thanked him silently in my mind. I was relieved in a way; it meant that someone showed some sort of care towards me. Unless they just saved me so I would have to put up with the torture that I’m put through. That was probably the reason; I was stupid to think that someone actually cared for me. Why do I get my hopes up like this only to be devastated when they don’t turn out like the way I dream? I have no idea, but I always do.

“I’m glad you’re awake”

The all too familiar Irish accent shocked me; I thought I’d been alone in the room. Why was he even here?

“I’m glad you’re okay” he gave me a genuine smile, it gave me a feeling that I’d never felt before. It warmed my heart. I felt special.

“Thanks” I muttered, trying to return the smile but I failed and it looked more like a grimace than a smile.

“Don’t mention it”

“No, I don’t mean ‘thanks for being glad I’m okay’ I mean, thanks for saving me” I spoke a little louder this time.

“And again, don’t mention it.” He chuckled.

“I’m serious”

“I know” he smirked and sat up in a different position in the wooden chair, cracking his back while he moved.

We sat in silence for a while. I couldn’t tell if it was an awkward silence or a comfortable one, I didn’t care truth be told. I was enjoying the peace. Peace and quiet wasn’t something I got on a regular basis

“Why did you do it?” I broke the silence after mere minutes.

“Do what?”

“You know, save me” I blushed slightly.

“Because I wanted to. I couldn’t just let my friend die now could I?”

I thought I was going to pass out again. His words almost made me cry, they brought tears to my eyes. He was just so nice; I didn’t understand why he chose me to be his ‘friend’ when he could have had anyone in the school.

We stayed silent again, my brain began to process the kindness and replay the words over and over again. “I couldn’t just let my friend die now could I?” It sent shivers through my body. I’d never been someone’s friend before, nor had a friend for that matter. I’ve never been called as a part of a family. I’ve never been called ‘son’ by my mother or father or ‘bro’ by one of my classmates. It meant so much more to me than you could ever imagine.  I felt stray tears of happiness begin to trail down my cheeks, my smile hid with my right hand as I chewed at the nails.

“Harry!” Niall panicked, “Are you okay? Why are you crying? Are you in pain? I can get a doctor” he was basically running out of the door of my room before I could stop him with my chuckles.

“I’m fine, just…” I paused before continuing “Thank you”

“You’ve said that already Harry”

“And I meant it, Niall” It was my turn to smirk at him now.


I must have fell asleep again not long after because I found my eyes fluttering open and once again being faced with the plain white ceiling of my hospital room. 

“Hey sleepy head” Niall chuckled. Oh that laugh, I love it so much.

“Hey” I muttered back, brushing my curls out of my face.

“I was worried you know” Niall began without letting me interrupt. “When I found you, I didn’t know what to do. I’ve been through it all before but I’d been lucky this time, well we’d been lucky this time. I hoped to god that my hoodie would stop the bleeding; doctors said that if I hadn’t had done that then you would have died. I wouldn’t know what to do if you did, you’re my only friend” He began to cry lightly and my heart started breaking piece by piece. “You passed out in the ambulance when it got here, you looked so pale and fragile it terrified me. I didn’t want to lose you. Doctors said that you were losing too much blood and there was only a slim chance of survival, but luckily we have the same blood type so quite a few pints of my blood are in you at the minute” He stopped to chuckle and wipe some tears from his eyes. He looked so vulnerable when he cried, and knowing that it was me and my selfishness that caused him to cry made my heart ache even more. I felt awful. “You’ve made it though! Which I’m over the moon about, I love seeing your bright green eyes”

My heart seemed to fix itself and swell even more. I was about to say thanks but he cut me off before I could say anything. This boy sure could talk, that’s for sure.

“Oh shit” he cursed “I bet you think I’m a freak now. What dude says that to another dude? Oh god, so much for acting straight” he muttered the last part but it was still loud enough for me to hear. “I’d understand if you’d want me to leave now. I don’t know if gay is a disease or not, I don’t think it is. I doubt you can catch it” he rambled on to himself while I chuckled at him getting flustered and muddling up his words

I had to say his name three times before he took his gaze off of the floor to look and me and stop talking. I chucked again and he looked heartbroken.

“It’s okay” I chuckled.

“I’d understand if you’d rather not hang around with me anymore” he muttered.

“You really are stupid aren’t you?” I smirked but Niall looked offended.

“No I’m not!” He announced “I’m in top sets for all subjects!”

“Relax dude, I mean that you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings, do you?”

“I guess not?” I looked confused.

“You never wonder why Louis and that lot call me ‘faggot’ everyday.” I chuckled.

Niall looked like a mix of relieved, shocked and happy when he realised what I was implying. I chuckled again, making him smirk at his own expense.

It’s short. Blah, sorry

Please, Just Leave Me To Die *Narry Storan*Where stories live. Discover now