Hansol Vernon

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I ship you with Hansol Vernon Chwe, one of the youngest members of Seventeen! First of all, you are both halfers (half Asian, half American) so you two could totally relate with that. I could imagine you all by yourself, feeling like an outcast for being a halfer and then Vernon would come up to you to ask to sit with you. You two would somehow find out about how you are both halfers and would become great friends or even more ;) . I think Vernon would admire your tan skin and brown hair. I can imagine him always twirling your hair around his finger and attempting to style it for you whenever he has the chance. Hearing that you had a tan and curves just had me thinking about one of Vernon's favourite rappers, Nicki Minaj. You would most likely remind him of her (just like I did) and he would find it even more appealing. I can imagine him constantly commenting on how beautiful you are and how much you are like her. Vernon would find it cool how you write and would most likely try to snoop over your shoulder whenever you're writing. I can imagine him pulling you in for a long hug just to read another sentence or two. I also imagine you guys sleeping in late together, a lot. You would need your sleep for writing and he would need his beauty sleep. Vernon would be able to embrace your funny and bright side as well as your deep, sad and depressed side. He would most likely be able to relate to you with a bunch of things. Whenever you would be sad, he would always be there for you to cheer you up and make you smile whether it's him attempting to hit Dokyeom's high note or just dancing around like a goof while he has a silly expression plastered on his face. Either way, you would always feel good when you were around him. He would have a great aura surrounding him 24/7. I don't think he would mind your interest in theatre and he would surprise you with bringing you to plays and stuff. I can imagine him surprising you with bringing you to one of your all time favourite plays. You would constantly find him staring at you, which you would find a bit odd. Around halfway through the play, you would feel a hand slip into yours, it would be Vernon's. He would give you a kind smile when you would look at him curious as to why he suddenly held your hand. He would then stare you right in the eye and admit that he has loved you all this time.

I hope you enjoyed your ship! Please spread the word if you enjoyed it! Hope you have a great day!

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