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For -babymochi

I ship you with The8! I think you two would go well together since you are both smart, kind, friendly and shy. I don't think Minghao would mind your noisy and crazy fangirl side one bit. Everyone has a crazy side to them. When he has warmed up to you, he might be willing to show you his.  Minghao would always be there to comfort you when you get emotional and find a way to cheer you up. Even if it was 3:00 a.m., he would still always be there for you, no matter what the problem. He would probably enjoy the fact that you are clingy. His ideal type (from what I've read) is someone who is cute and kind which matches you perfectly. Plus he is just so cute and sweet, it is impossible not to fall in love with him.  Now, I don't know about math, but he would absolutely adore receiving hugs from you! Minghao never misses a meal so he would eat most of his meals with you. I can imagine the both of you blasting music, singing the words, dancing along and just having a great time together. He maybe even could teach you how he does his really cool flips and you could teach him something that you know. You would probably find him reading your stories a lot because he would enjoy them so much. Knowing him, he would play any sport you wanted to play even of he hated it, he would do it for you because he likes you so much.

I really hope you enjoyed your ship! Thank you for the request!

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