“Okay, then let’s be out.” He shrugged, grabbing my hand and leading us out of the store.

We walked out of the mall and to the car. He opened my car door and I got in. He closed it and jogged around the car to the driver side. I smiled as he got in the car and leaned over to kiss my cheek. He cranked the car up and backed out of the parking spot.


We got out of the car at the wedding planner’s office. It was a medium sized office with small displays of sample arrangements.

I walked into the office and signed Jacob and I’s names. We walked into her office and she smile, telling us to have a seat. Jacob sat down and pulled out his phone.

“What are you here for today?” she smiled.

“I need to change up the arrangements for the reception.” I said.

“What would that be?” she pulled out Jacob and I’s files.

“You know how I said I didn’t want the bridesmaids and groomsmen to dance together? Well now I do. I need them to walk down the aisle with each other instead of the alternative you made up.” I said as Jacob shot up and gave me a death glare.

“Can you give me the pairs?” she asked.

“Okay, it’s Daniel and Bahja. Craig and Asyah. Ray and Nee. Chresanto and Tess. Paige and Prince. That should be it.” I said as I felt Jacob’s eyes burning into the side of my head.

“Do you wanna do the proposal entrance or the normal walk in?” she wrote down the names.

“Explain the proposal entrance.” Jacob huffed and sunk into his seat.

“The man will walk in first and he will walk 1/3 of the way to the altar. He will, then, stop and turn around to the entrance, facing the bridesmaid he will be walking in, getting on one knee. He will hold out the flower or flowers that he is carrying to the woman and she will walk up to him, grab it, he will stand up, and they will lock arms. Before they walk off, both will kiss each other’s cheek. This is recommended to couples in the wedding.

“That’s the one I want!” I exclaimed.

“Well I’ll see you in a few weeks so that we can go over all the plans and finalize them.” She said.

“Okay, see you later.” I stood up and followed Jacob, who was standing by the door with and angry glare, out of the door.

We walked out of the office and headed to the car.

“Why’d you do that?” he yelled when we got to the car.

“What?” I asked. “Unlock the doors.

“No! You shouldn’t have done that, Zonnique.” He said.

“Boy, hush! It’s not a big deal.” I yanked on the door handle. “Unlock the car doors!” I yelled.

“You know they’re having problems. Why would you do that?” he yelled.

“They’re gonna be back together by then.” I said, knowing they probably wouldn’t because Paige is really stubborn but this could help.

“Sorry to say it, Zonnique, but they may never get back together. Not everyone has a happy ending!” he walked around the car to me.

“It’s just a fucking walk and a quick dance.” I pushed him out of my face.

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