Chapter 3

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So, who's ready for Chapter 3?

We met our goal! Let's keep it up.

Keep commenting. Guess what'll happen next. We'll consider it while we're writing.



LA, California: Mimi’s Café

February 3rd.

3:00 pm.

I pulled up to the small café and went in through the double doors. Surprisingly, there were no paparazzi on this side of town. I scanned the café for Nee and found her in a secluded corner, drinking one of the two drinks on the table. I held my purse close and maneuvered through the people and tables while flashing a few smiles at people who did the same to me. I slid into the booth, sitting across from Nee. She smiled and slid the extra drink towards me.

“How you been?” she smiled.

“I’ve had better days.” I smiled.

“You still keep that beautiful smile on your face.” She said.

“I have to. I can’t go around moping all the time.” I shrugged.

“When you saw Prince, did you guys talk?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I sighed. “He said some stuff that triggered a lot of buried feelings to come out. I probably said a few things that hurt him but nothing can top what he did to me.” I grew mad.

“He was wrong for what he did. How do you think Quin is taking it? You and Prince being apart.” She asked.

“He knows that him and I are not happy. That little boy has watched him and I argue and he’s watched me cry. He may only be 2 but he’s a smart little boy.” I said.

“Have you thought about what you’re gonna do?” she sipped her drink.

“I really don’t know. I feel like I’m being too lenient if we get back together. If that is his baby, there’s so much that will fall apart. I love him so much and I really do miss him.” I let a tear drop.

“What if it’s not?” Nee reasoned.

“It doesn’t change that he cheated on me. He left me hanging, Nee.” I said.

“At least try and forgive him for cheating. The bigger picture is that she’s pregnant and he’s already got that on his conscience. Throw that in his face instead of throwing the cheating in his face.” Nee said.

“I can’t say that you don’t understand how I feel because you do. How’d you and Ray work things out?” I asked, sipping my drink before wiping away the tears that fell after the first one.

“We talked. He apologized, more than once. I honestly think we worked things out for the babies. These babies bought us closer.” She rubbed her stomach.

I choked up when she mentioned how she found out she was pregnant when her and Ray broke up.

“You alright?” she asked.

“I’m fine. Haven’t been drinking soda.” I gestured towards the soda.

“Oh. Do you wanna talk about why you were in the hospital?” she asked.

*A True Love*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin