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We won't be uploading fast. We try and update as much as we can. WIth our traveling, we don't get around a calm place to actually sit down and update. You'll probably get 2 or 3 updates per month.



London, England.

10:00 am.


Everything is messed up. Everything was perfect. At least we were working towards it.

Now, I’m in England. My parents have kept me here since I arrived but they plan on taking us back to LA. I’ve been here for two months. I miss the girls. I miss LA. I miss my condo. Mostly, I miss Jacob. But, I won’t let anyone know that.

I may miss him but right now, I hate him. Yes, hate! He hurt me and to top it off, it got into the tabloids quickly. My PR sends me copies of the tabloids and they continuously break my heart. It’s hard to see Jacob protecting Shay from cameras and being spotted with her when my son and I aren’t getting any of that.

It’s also hard to tell Juaquin that he can’t see his father because he hasn’t shown up to see him. Jacob hasn’t even tried to fly to London to see Juaquin. Juaquin is being deprived of a stable home and for some reason, I feel like it’s my fault.

I feel like I’m the reason he can’t see his father. I feel like I should have stayed and tried to fix things. But, deep down inside, I know that I’m right. I’ve been hurt too many times to let him walk over me the way he was doing. It’s embarrassing and neither my son of myself deserves that.

Until he gives me a valid reason for cheating, I can’t make myself talk to him.


LA, California.

12:00 pm.


I can’t get my mind off of Paige. I miss that girl so much. I’ve been calling and texting but I finally came to the conclusion that she changed her number. I miss my little guy, too. He’s my everything.

I know what I did was wrong and I can’t change that. It is what it is. Even if this baby isn’t mine, I know Paige will still be pissed that I cheated. If it is, I don’t know if Paige and I will ever be together. I can’t even fathom that thought.

Shay is now 3 months pregnant and I’m there for her since Jawan left her. He’s salty towards the 2 of us and I understand. He has every right to be. I still don’t think he should have left her. I mean, there’s a possibility he’s the father also. He told her not to talk to him until she had a DNA test.

Shay isn’t like she used to be. She’s a better person now. She’s been trying to help me get in touch with Paige but all her attempts are pointless. She gives me advice on how to win her back and she’s always there when I need to talk.

These tabloids are crazy. One actually suggested that Shay and I were engaged because she wore her father’s promise ring when we walked out of a hotel we had spent the night in. I know Paige saw it because AU’s PR sends them copies of the tabloids whenever it has something to do with them.

I’m going to get my family back somehow. I have to. I miss my son and most of all, I miss my baby. Paige was my everything and she still is. I catch myself thinking about her, dreaming about her, even fantasizing about how we’d be if I never cheated.

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