"Marcus?" I asked quietly. "Marcus?" He didn't move. I put my hand on his shoulder, rubbing my thumb over him. "You hear me in there?" He then moved his fingers, more than that actually. He completely closed his hand and opened it. Holy shit, is this how people woke up from a coma? I always thought they darted awake immediately. "Hey, that's it. Just open your eyes now, alright? You're there, I know you are. Time to wake up now. Can you do that? Can you say anything?" I had no idea if me talking would do anything, but I was hoping.

He let out a deep breath, moving his head slightly.

"Come on, Marcus. Rise and shine."

Then, he made some type of noise, that sounded like a "no."

"Yeah, come on. Wake on up Marcus. Look at me."

His brow furrowed, and slowly - he opened his eyes. He squinted instantly, blinking and trying to adjust to the light. Once he did open them, he looked around without moving his head. Then he looked at me with his really gorgeous green eyes. "Who..." I don't think he could finish his sentence. It had been forever before he had spoken.

"Hey," I greeted. "You're awake. I'm Emerson by the way." I smiled, because I was just so happy that he was awake, and I truly believe I helped with waking him.

He took a deep breath and licked his lips. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice very raw and husky.

"You're in the hospital," I said, realizing that I or someone would have to explain everything to him. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I...I remember..." He looked at me still struggling to speak. "I think I was high. I-" He coughed. "I remember walking into my apartment building, but that's it." He shut his eyes tight and opened them, coughing more. "What happened?"

"Um...Marcus it's not going to be easy to tell you this, but you tried to hurt yourself. You, uh, jumped off the roof."

He looked at me for the longest time, tears forming. "What?"

"You tried to kill yourself, but it obviously didn't work."

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm not sure. You said you were high, and you were sick, and you and Lafayette had just broken up."

"Lafayette? Do you know him?"

"Yeah. He's, uh...he's my boyfriend."

He paused, taking in what I said and realizing something. "How long have I been in here?"

"Um...nine years."

Shock, horror, and fear were plastered onto his face. "What?" Tears started to stream down his face more and I could see the panic on his face. He lost nine years of his life. How horrifying?

"Hey, hey, I know you're scared and sad and confused, but don't worry. I'm here for you."

He looked at me, and like I said before - since I was the first person he saw, he found comfort in me. He was shaking, tears still falling.

"But you're awake now and I'm here and Lafayette is here. You're gonna do some physical therapy and some psychological therapy and Lafayette is gonna give you a job and a place to stay."

He looked at me, still scared, but calm.

"I'm gonna get the doctor alright?"

I left the room quickly and once I was away I flipped a shit. A guy who had been in a coma just woke up. Like fuck. I couldn't freak out in front of him, but seriously. The one time I ever go and visit him and he wakes up. What're the chances? I know the doctor said he was getting better, but they didn't intend on him waking up until next year. I walked down the hallway and found the doctor.

The Boss [LGBT]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora