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"Rip," I had no control, the tears flowed out of me like rain pouring. 

Her eyes open.

"Oh my god, i thought i lost you."

"You can't rid of me that easily." She sneaked a laugh.

I help her up the bed. "Thanks baby." She smiled.

"Rip, what happened?" 

"What do you mean??"

"Come on, please. You ran off and you fainted. The doctors wanted to examine you but i said no. I don't  want you locked up here, you shouldn't be in this shithole."

"Maybe i want to be in here."


A doctor comes in. "Oh good, you're awake. We need to examine you if you're up for that."

Ripley bit her lip. "I feel fine, can i go now?"

"If you're sure, that would be okay." The doctor scribbled something in her pad and walked out of the room.

"I thought you said.."

"Being in here would mean gaining weight and that will be a no for me."

"I know you think that's a terrible thing but if you can't carry on like this, you're going to die."

"No, i won't. I'm too fat for that."

"Rip, i can feel your bones when we hug. You're really skinny, you're hurting yourself," I frown.

"I don't deserve anything, I deserve to be like this, I don't deserve anything, I'm worthless."

"I know you think that but you are so wrong. You deserve everything that's good. It's so painful to see you like this. I wish you could see what i see in you. You're perfect in every way. You're so beautiful now and you were also beautiful before, there is nothing i want to change about you except for the way you think of yourself. I love you Ripley"

She starts crying and i hold her.

"Nick, I love you too." She's still crying but a tiny smile crept up her flawless face.

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