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Hours and hours has passed and there is still no news on Nick. What if he's dead and the doctors are too afraid to deliver the bad news? All this waiting is ripping my sanity away. 

"Are you Nick's parents?" A doctor in white coat said approaching his parents.

"YES YES, how is he? How's my baby," Mrs. Colton's voice shaky.

"He's lost a lot of blood and we were afraid he wouldn't have made it but he is stable."

I sighed with relief. Nick is alive and i will make sure he stays that way even if he doesn't want to. He has to live, he has to. I wish i remembered, i just want to remember what happened. I overheard the doctors tell my mother that i'm not letting myself remember what happened because it was too painful. The brain is tricky isn't it? Sometimes it doesn't let us remember facts for an exam and sometimes it doesn't let you remember a person or what has happened for the past few months of your life.

"You can go in and see him if you want to but he wouldn't be able to say much." The doctor said and started down the dull hallway probably to deliver either great news or really terrible news. 

I wouldn't want to be a doctor. Someone else's live is your hands and if you make a mistake then you're fucked. 

 The dull, bland, hospital room's walls felt like they were closing in on me. The aroma of disinfectant, the sound of the beeping machines. And the little television which was on, but no sound came from it.   

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