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It's been a few days since the incident with Ripley. I'm worried about her. What if she cuts too deep? What if she kills herself? I know i shouldn't jump to conclusions that quick but the way she's changed so quickly worries me. Something is wrong, i can feel it.

The paranoia was driving me insane so i decide to stop by her house.

I knock on her front door.

"Oh, what a lovely surprise, Nick."

"Good afternoon, Mrs Scott. Is Ripley home?"

"She's been in her room all morning. She hasn't been very active for the past few days I'm afraid. But you can try."

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Something feels horribly wrong. My paranoia got the best of me and i barge into her house taking two steps at a time up the stairs to her room. 

I knock on her door. No reply. I turn the doorknob but it was locked.

I knock again. No answer.

"Rip, Rip. Open the door please."

I know i shouldn't jump to conclusions. After all, she could be sleeping right? But something just didn't feel right. I trusted my gut and went running for her mother.

"Do you have the keys to her room?" Her mother instantly knew something was wrong and went looking for the keys.

The keys were in my trembling hands and struggle to put the keys into the key hole.

Then i saw her. She was standing on a stool with a noose hanging in front of her. She mouthed goodbye then stepped off the stool. 

I scream and ran to her. I grab my pocket knife and cut her down.

"CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE NOW." I shouted to her mother without realizing it.

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