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Seeing Ripley fall apart like that was shit. I wish i could take her pain away but i can't.

Seeing her cry made me wanna cry and i never cry. Not even when my aunt died. I really want to but it's like my eyes just can't seem to produce tears. 

I pull myself together and try to comfort her. That was all i could do, comfort her.

I stroke her soft red hair and she leans in and cries on my shoulder. I was her shoulder to cry on and it felt good to be useful for once in my life.

We stayed like that till she calmed down. 

"Thanks, Nick. Thanks for being here. You're the only one who bothered."

It was sort of odd that none of her friends came by. Where were they? 

"I don't think i can, Nick."

"You think you can't what?"

"Move on. How can i possibly? I can't fix this and i can't move on. It hurts so much." She starts sobbing.

"Maybe not now, but someday.. you will."

She managed a small smile. Hope.

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