Chapter 43: "It was a good summer" - Perfect Stranger.

Start from the beginning

"I'm thinking about maybe staying here and going to college with Connor, at the same college as him," she said, trying to look me in the eyes, but I didn't look back at hers, I was too scared that the wet substance would trickle down from my eyes. .

"Oh," was all I said for a while. "Well if you're happy..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, I am. I mean Connor makes me happy, but I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"It's fine," I said, waving her off. She really did pick Connor. Maybe, I was hoping that she thought more of us, then she did of them, but how wrong I was.

"No It's not, what I did was brutally mean, I didn't mean to, and it shouldn't ever have continued the way it did. It started off as a little joke, it wasn't meant to turn into anything."

"Tell me one thing," I said looking into the eyes, "did you ever feel any of the pain I was going through, do you even know how to empathize with someone?"

Serena nodded her head, unsurely. "I'm sorry," She said meekily. "So, where do we stand?" She asked, like I should have the golden answer. We seemed to be doing that a lot, asking questions and not receiving any answers, becasue neither of us had any, and we were only hoping that the other had something more to say.

"I'm leaving for college, I'll hopefully pass and maybe go into the art industry, maybe open up a gallery," I said, tears brimming my eyes. 

"What about us?" She asked.

"Their is no us, we don't exist any more. We're like perfect stranger. We had a good fourteen years, from the day you stole my art work at nursery, to this day, but things change...people change," I finished off.

Their was so much more I wanted to say, and so much I wanted to ask, but none of it felt right, because our friendship was over, so what was the point? Getting answers wouldn't change our standing point.

"Is their anyway-" I stopped her before she could continue.

"No, because the damage is done, and all your secrets have escaped the cage where they were staying. I, with all my heart wish you happiness, and I really hope that you're happy with Connor. And I hope you never regret the choice you made, just like I hope I don't regret choosing my life, and standing up for myself," I continued. Even though tears were falling down my face. "Because this summer taught me more than I could of ever hoped."

"Perfect strangers?" Serena asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Perfect strangers," I said smiling, before hugging Serena tightly. Fourteen yeas of friendship out of the window. Just like that.

The hug lasted longer than usual hugs last, and I couldn't get rid of the aching need in my chest. I knew that I would grow up, and on every birthday and every occasion I would feel her missing presence. Her funny jibes, and her overly exaggerated personality. I tried to wipe away my tears. "Well I should go," I said finally, clearing my throat.

"Yeah," Serena whispered. "Have a safe trip," I was driving the black Maserati, since Serena had already told me before hand that her parents could pick her up.

I stood their for a while, it was like my feet were glued to the surface, telling me to stay, because as soon as I walked through that door, it was all gone, and today was another historical day in the life of me. 

I looked up to find Connor at the staircase. And I immediately knew that he had heard everything. I pondered the thought of him feeling any guilt.

"Do you ever feel guilty?" I asked him, with as much courage that I could muster up.

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