Chapter 14

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First time chapter 14.
It's really late I know, I was on holiday so no wifi, but I wrote some chapters there. So ill post them soon. :) I know this is a Cameron fanfic but Ben plays a big role too.

As we pulled apart my gaze was locked onto the floor, but I could tell he was looking straight at me. I felt his hand lift my chin up to face him.
"Rosie?" I didn't answer and I guess he took my silence as a sign to continue.
"Look rosie I really like you, and I would love it if we could go out sometime as more than just friends " his words came out as more of a statement than a question, but i not knowingly agreed anyway.
"Great, ill sort something out" he smiled and kissed me on the cheek, i blushed a little but that was it.

Through the rest of the night the topic was put aside and we just watched a movie instead. Cameron had thought it'd be funny to throw popcorn at me so it kinda escalated from there. First it was just me and cameron with everyone just telling us to shut up but in the end they joined in too.

It was 1am everyone was asleep and could hear hushed snoring coming from the boys side. I on the other hand couldn't sleep, i twisted and turned in my sleeping bag but the memory of recent events kept coming back. What would Jack say? Is this really a good idea? What do you do on a date? How do you date? Do i even like ben? That question stuck me hard. I think I do, i kissed back so i must do right? Why would i kiss back if i didn't like him duh.

"You like Ben?" I quickly sat up at the familiar voice.
"Cameron what are you doing up" i tried to change the subject.
"You were thinking out loud again and i guess I'm just a really light sleeper", he shrugged ,"so what was that about Ben" I didn't really plan on telling cameron now but now i have no choice.

"Well he sort of asked me out..." I saw Cameron's facial expression drop and his body tense up.

"Oh, what did you say" he stammered

"I said yes" he shuffled in his sleeping bag uncomfortably and gulped hard.

"Oh" was all he could manage to get out.
"Cameron are you okay?" I asked as his facial expression concerned me.
"Yeah i'm fine just a little tired" he yawned, "its getting late we better go some sleep" he turned back around so he was facing away from me.
"Oh okay goodnight" cameron didn't reply and not another word was said that night.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of eggs and pancakes. I wasn't surprised when i found out that i was the last one to awake. It happens on a daily basis, so i decided to lay there for a while. When I felt a prod in my right hip and another one and another one.

"Hey butthead, wake up" I looked up at my lovely brother kicking me while trying to stuff three pancakes in his mouth at one time.

"Mum called we need to get going" i groaned and turned over

"What time is it?" I said lazily.

"Twelve" i heard Cameron's voice answer but when i looked up he was already looking back down while quickly scrolling through his phone. I didn't expect it to be twelve so I followed Jacks orders and got up and slowly started to walk over to the kitchen, when i felt jacks hand pull me back.
"No time for breakfast heres a pancake" I thankfully excepted the pancake and began to put together my things. I walked with jack to the front doors receiving a few goodbyes from our new friends, we were just about to head out when i heard ben call
"Hey Rosie, I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow" i could barely manage to push out a smile before Jack dragged me through the doors, but i did catch a few shocked faces from Peyton and spencer knowing that It would be brought up. Jack didn't talk to me until we got into the car and this time i was fully prepared for his rage.
"What was that?" He huffed in his drivers seat.

"What was what?"

"Don't play dumb with me Rosie, I know he just asked you out"

"Maybe he did, but i don't see whats so wrong with that"

"He's an ass and he's way too old for you" Ben was three years older than me really didn't like it

"How do you know he's an ass if you only met him yesterday"

"All guys my age are and i just don't want my baby sister to get hurt"

"You cant always baby me Jack, I'm going to have to learn how to take care of myself" he sighed a little.

"I know thats what i'm afraid of"

"Jack you don't even know Ben, at least give him a chance, please?"

"I guess i could give him a chance, but if he hurts you ill break all his chances in tiny little pieces and scatter them all over the road" my eyes widened a little at his words but i could tell he was being serious so i quickly nodded and jack started the car.

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