Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of Go Radio being blasted through my phone. This was it. The big day where I leave everything that's important to me behind and start a whole new life. I felt a small tear run down my cheek as thought about what I was loosing but i brushed it away not wanting my last day in Coventry to be a bad one

I looked at the clock. 3:10 am. I groaned at how early I was up. I rolled out of bed and ran over to my parents room, only to see that they were sleeping. Lazy. I cleared my throat before shouting

"WAAAAKKKKEEE UUUUPPPP " they were really heavy sleepers so it didn't really wake them up. One more time

"WAAAAAAKKKKEEEE UPPPP NOOWWW" that did it. My mum shot me daggers but I ignored it and skipped over to my brothers room. To my surprise he was awake. I walked in without knocking (the door was already open)

"Ay didn't you read the sign " I turned around to face the door. In bold red lettering it read

"Knock or ill knock your head of " I turned back to face Jack with an "really are you THAT stupid" look. He chuckled a little before falling backwards onto his bed.

"I'm gonna miss this place" he looked across to his walls which were full of countless pictures of family and friends which he had begun to take down.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird to think we won't be here everyday anymore, is dad still selling it?"

"No he's giving it to aunty Annie" it made me feel better knowing that we could come back here and that strangers wouldn't have it.

"Are we in L.A yet" I looked over to Lucy standing in the door way while holding a stuffed animal in her arms. I ran over to her and hugged her.

"No not yet but we will be soon"

I went back into my room to get changed into sweat pants and one of jacks old shirts as I didn't really want to go to the airport in a dinosaur onsie. After changing I grabbed my suitcases stood them next to the front door by now my parents were up and were pretty much doing the same.

I had finished everything that had to be done leaving time to spare. I slouched back on the sofa as I grabbed the tv remote from the table and turned on the tv. There wasn't really any kids shows on at 3:30 in the morning so I decided to watch the ones I had already recorded. The first one on the list was Jessie. I turned it on and skipped past the ad until Debby Ryan's face popped onto the screen. I clicked on play to hear what she had to say.

"Hello there UK fans are you ready for the premiere of a brand new Jessie " I remembered that I had missed this episode due to basketball practice.I chugged a glass of cola down my throat as I watched.

Half way through the episode Jack came downstairs and sat down on the sofa next to me .

"Ah Jessie, so you still like Cameron?" I looked at him with a stern look on my face.

"How do you know, did Elle tell you?" He smirked at me before continuing.

"She didn't have to, the fact that you watch every movie and show with him in,is a dead give away" I looked down towards my shoes as I felt heat rush towards my cheeks. When I blush,I blush hard.


She looked down as her cheeks flushed a slight crimson. I smiled to myself as I took out my phone and pulled up google. If we were going to live there for at least a while I wanted to know what we were getting ourselves into. I felt Rosie look over my shoulder as I typed in "Los Angeles" in google images. A wide range of images flooded the screen, overall LA looked like a good place to move and it also looked a lot warmer than England. I looked back over at Rosie who's eyes were stapled to the tv. I laughed to myself as I heard our parents coming down the stairs, with Lucy.

"Ready to go?" I nodded before switching of the Tv breaking Rosie's glare.

"C'mon time to go" I patted her on the back as she got up.

Before leaving I looked around the house one last time. I could almost remember mum and dad bringing Rosie and Lucy through that door and me banging my head on the door due to my excitement. I sighed. I was gonna miss this place but hopefully LA could offer us more family time as we hardly got any in this house, mum and dad were always working.

"Hurry Jack we're gonna be late" I looked over to mum calling from the doorway. There was no doubt that I was going to miss this place but I was excited about starting a new life in LA.


The car journey was a long one, as Lucy kept making us stop for bathroom breaks. We finally arrived at the airport, it wasn't as empty as I'd though it'd be especially at this time of day. We pushed past the crowds making our way to baggage.

The search was very thorough, and by the time we had finished it was already five , our plane was leaving in 20 minutes. We rushed past the other queues trying to make it in time. It was quite crowded but we found the waiting room shortly after. My breathing slowed as I sat back in the chair. I opened up my carry on luggage in search for a pack of gum, when I saw someone take a seat next to me through the corner of my eye. Assuming it was Jack I continued to go through the bag.

"Hey" that didn't sound like Jack. I looked up and saw a boy sitting next to me he had electric blue eyes and his short brown hair was swept towards the side of his face, he kinda looked like the younger version Logan Lerman before the haircut. But overall he was attractive. [ picture to the left ]

"Erm.. Hey" smooth Rosie real smooth.

"So you like All Time Low?" He gestured towards my shirt which did I mention was very big for me.

"Yeah why, do you?" Even though it was Jacks shirt I still liked the band.

"Yeah how could you not, they're music is much better then the other mainstream crap out there" I nodded in agreement before siting there in silence for a while, until I finally decided to break it.

"So where you heading"

"L.A we're moving there, how about you"

"Moving to L.A too, for my dads job" I saw his face light up.

"Great! Maybe we can keep in touch"

"ROSIE!" I looked over to Jack calling from the snack bar.

"I have to go it was nice meeting you .. Erm"

"Ben, and you must be Rosie?" I nodded and made my way over to Jack.

"Hey have you got an extra pound on ya?" I groaned as I reached onto my pocket and pulled out two 50p coins and handed them over to Jack. He smiled a thank you and paid the cashier.

So who's that boy you were talking to?" I was taken back by his sudden interest in my personal life.

"Oh he's just some boy I met his names Ben, he's moving to L.A too " Jack swallowed another lump of his baguette down hard.

"I don't want you talking to him" I was outraged by his comment

"And why not?" Jack looked back over to me while taking another bite.

"He looks like trouble, and trust me I know what trouble looks like, he'll just break your heart" I stopped in my tracks. How Jack managed to keep a straight face through all this was beyond me.

"You can't tell me what to do "

"I can I'm older than you" he shrugged. I groaned as I pushed past him not forgetting to hit his shoulder on my way past for emphasis.

"ROSIE WAIT" I ignored him and continued to walk over to Mum Lucy and Dad. I can't believe he said that,Ben and I just met and even if we do date, i sure as hell wasn't going to ask Jack for permission.

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