Coffee dosent come out

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I haven't uploaded because the wattpad on my phone was broken, I'm sorry, and I forgot my password so I couldn't log in through my computer. But it's fixed now :)


Chapter 5

I stood there speechless as I stared into his eyes. I knew I had to say something, but just couldn't come across the words. Luckily he saved me.

"I'm Cameron" a small spark appeared in his eyes as he smiled

"I'm Rosie" I put out my hand for him to shake but he shook his head before pulling me in towards him as he wrapped his arms around me in a welcoming hug. He smelt nice, like a new car with a hint of perfume. I pushed his scent to the back of my head as we pulled away from the hug.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger" he shrugged his shoulders playfully with a with a grin on his face.

"So erm.. Seeing as we're already here do you want to get a coffee or something" my eyes widened in shock though seeing as I had nothing better to do I agreed.

"Sure,Just hold on a second" I went back over to the counter to collect my coffee , I told the lady that worked there my name and she handed me my decaf with a disapproving look.

Me and Cameron talked for hours.He was a great conversationalist.

"So is your bacon grilled?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me


"I mean.. Do you have a boyfriend?" I looked up at him, why didn't he just say that in the first place... Weird kid.

"Erm no my bacon is not grilled is yours?"

"Nope, I'm as single as they come"

"But you're Cameron fricking Boyce, I'd thought you'd have girls knocking down your door" he shrugged his shoulders at me before looking back down at his half eaten cookie.

"I'm sorry we're closing soon" a short blonde haired lady stood beside our table.

"Wow its 8 already" Cameron looked as confused as i was. We somehow didn't notice the time change. I looked down at my phone to see that I had 20 missed calls and over 40 texts from my mum dad and Jack. Why didn't I notice that before.

"Problem?" Cameron must've saw the worried look on my face.

"No it's just that I've gotta go home"

"Oh I can walk you home... If you want" he looked back down again

"No I don't want to be any trouble"

"No trouble I swear" I smiled as I agreed.


I said goodbye to Cameron and I was about to go inside before he stopped me.

"Hey Rosie I was wondering if I could have your number?"

"Yeah sure" we swapped phones and typed in each others numbers.

"Thanks I'll see you around " he winked at me before heading back.

I smiled to myself as I opened the door to our house. I was greeted by worried faces and my mum pacing nervously back and forth, they turned to look at me in unison as I came in.

"ROSIE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK" I sighed as my mum pulled me into a warm hug.

"I erm... Got lost"

"You erm... Got lost" Jack obviously didn't believe me but my mum and dad seemed to be buying it.

"That is correct" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh alright just call if you ever get lost again" I was quite surprised at how easily my mum let this go considering I was out for about 4 hours in a city nether of us knew anything about, but I decided it wasn't worth the fight.


I was on twitter when Jack burst in.

"Alright minger, where were you today. And don't give me none of that I got lost crap cause we both know fairly well that you weren't" I had decided I was going to give him "the silent treatment" so I continued to ignore him, this clearly annoyed him.

"Don't ignore me, you were with that Ben guy weren't you?" I just shrugged. I heard him sigh at my actions as he took a seat next to me.

"Look Rosie I'm sorry, I was just worried about you" I felt the urge to speak up but I just pushed it away.

"You have every right to be mad but please just forgive me, you're my little sister you're always there for me I just wanted to be there for you, I care for you Rosie " since when was Jack so open about his feelings, but I hugged him regardless.

"I'm sorry Jack" he patted my back as he whispered slowly into my ear.

"I'll forgive you as long as you forgive me " I nodded into his shoulder.

"So were you with Ben today" I pulled away from the hug.

"No I promise I wasn't, I made a new friend"

"Really who?" He face seemed to light up when I told him I wasn't with Ben.

"Cameron Boyce" he laughed so hard he nearly choked .

"Now now Rosie its not good to lie" he rubbed my head.

"I'm not" I protested. I handed him my phone to show him Cameron's number and a picture I had took of him for the caller ID. He shook his head in disbelief.

"Wow two numbers on your first day way to go" he high fived me before getting up to go.

"Oh and Rosie... Be nice to Cameron" i wonder what he meant by that. Before I could ask he shut the door leaving me alone.

First Time (Cameron Boyce fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora