Chapter 13 - part 2

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Hiii, alright so this is the first time I'm updating on my laptop. So forgive me cause I'm a little rusty :).





My reaction skills weren't very good under pressure, so being me my body stood in halt as water was splashed over me. Luckily Peyton had climbed in shortly after me and had begun to fight in my corner, and by then i was back and running again. I dragged my hand through the water scooping in a large quantity and i watched as big amounts of water flew over in the boys direction. Not a good idea. It was 4 against 2 as Debby and Skai had decided not to join in with our shenanigans. So we were outnumbered and at a huge disadvantage. But we still held our place and fought, and after a few seconds there was tons of water being flung in every direction. The whole idea of keeping teams had been tossed to the side and Debby and Skai had even joined in.


After what seemed like ages, i decided to call it quits and go sit on the side with Peyton, who had given up 10 minutes earlier.

“Hey Rosie, having fun?” she asked politely, as she patted the seat next to her. I accepted her offer and sat beside her.

“Yeah, this is great. Thanks” I said with a hint of enthusiasm in my voice.

“Thanks? for what”

“For inviting me, and you know for making me go in the pool. You’re a great friend” I flashed her a teethey smile and she flashed one back

“Hey Rose, Pey. You coming back in or what” I looked over at spencer calling us from the edge of the pool and then looked over at Peyton as i tried to search her face for an answer, and it looked like she was doing the same with me.

“yeah I’m coming, how about you Rosie” she got up from her seat and turned around to look at me with a questioning look on her face.

“I’ll come in a minute, just need a little break” I gave her a warm smile as she nodded and went back in the pool with spencer. I laid back and rested my head on the top of the deck chair, I closed my eyes and toned out the distant sounds of splashing come from the pool.

It had been around 5 minutes since I had been left alone, when I felt a warm body take a seat beside me. It was late and quite frankly i was too tired to open my eyes so I stayed still as they shifted until they were comfortable and the movement of the chair was brought to a halt. It was silent, no splashing, no laughing, nothing. All i could hear was the strangers constant breathing, as they took breathes in and out. I laid there for a while until my curiosity took over me, I slowly began to open one eye trying to catch as much detail of the stranger as possible. My plan didn't really work, because before i could open my eyes the strangers eyes were already fixed on to my face,causing our eyes to lock with each others as soon as mine opened. I stared into his blue eyes while they scanned my face.

“Ben? what are you doing here?” I questioned whilst breaking the stare.

“I needed some fresh air, it was getting kinda stuffy in there” he smiled at me as i nodded at him. He had shifted his positioning on the chair so the front of his body was facing mine.

“How long have I been out here?” I said while sitting up.

“erm about an hour”

“holy crap, It felt like 5 minutes, why did no one wake me?” I was shocked on how long i had been asleep outside and how no one had bothered to wake me.

“well, i thought about it but you looked so pretty and peaceful i didn’t want to wake you” he half smiled at me and shuffled a little closer. I didn’t reply but I smiled back at him as if to say thank you. For the next few minutes we sat in silence with light cricket sounds in the distant staring up at the night sky. It was nice to spend time with Ben without Jack checking up on us every two seconds. My trail of thought was interrupted by Ben getting up and positioning himself at the end of my chair.

“Ben what are you doing” he didn’t reply but instead he held out his hand for me to take. I promptly took it as he pulled me up,  and he lead me to the edge of the pool.

“no Ben, I just dried off” i said while staring down at the pool beneath my feet. He chuckled a little as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder as he quietly whispered into my ear.

“Don’t worry we don’t have to go in”  His lips grazed my cheeks as he turned me around, I caught his gaze as his eyes moved to my lips. They continued to wander as his stare traveled down my body, suddenly making me feel self-conscious about my self. I shuffled uncomfortably and Ben noticed, he smiled up at me again and moved in closer.

“You’re beautiful, chin up babe” his whispers sent shivers down my spine making me breath in a little at the word “babe”

“Ben I..” my voice was interrupted by my body being pulled in towards his and in that moment our lips met.


haha yeah cliché i know, but sometimes you need a little bit of cliché in your life. well i did warn you ;). So hopefully this chapter moved the story on further and was longer for you guys, and fingers crossed the other chapters will do the same :).

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