Chapter 7

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First time chapter 7

We stood waiting outside the office while Peyton went in to get permission to leave.

"So did you enjoy the show"

"Yeah I particularly enjoyed the part when you tripped and fell on Debby" Cameron blushed a little before laughing.

"Well thank you, falling is one of my many skills" he bowed as I laughed. We didn't say anything for a while and it was just silent. It wasn't uncomfortable though, it was kinda nice. But our silence was soon interrupted by Peyton coming in with 4 other people behind her. I recognised the eldest as Debby the smaller one as Skai and medium one as Karan. But I couldn't quite seem to recognise the other boy. He must've recognised me looking at him funny as he commented

"I'm Spencer List, Peyton's twin brother, and you must be Rosie" I would never have guessed that they were twins, I could see the family resemblance but not twins.

"Yeah we get that a lot" I gave him a quizzical look.

"You were thinking out loud"


We wondered the mall for a while, before we split up. Cameron, Karan and Spencer went to McDonald's while Skai, Debby and I went to Taco Bell with Peyton.

We ordered and went to sit at the far end of the shop. It was quite warm and the distant smell of food really woke you up.

"Hey so let's play a game" Skai's eyes lit up.

"What kind of game?"

"Truth or dare" I was hoping she wouldn't say that. I'm not really good at being open about my feelings and as for dare, public embarrassment is one of my biggest nightmares hence my stage fright. I swallowed hard as Debby and Peyton agreed to Skai's idea. As much as I hated this game I didn't want to be no fun, so I agreed.

"ok me first,Debby truth or dare" Skai exclaimed

"Dare, I'm feeling risky" Debby said without hesitation .

"Ok I dare you to.........ask that man for his autograph" Skai gestured to a man sitting on the counter table drinking coffee while reading the news paper. Debby swiftly took a pen and a paper out from her bag and walked over to the man. I couldn't hear anything but I could see that he was quite taken in by Debby's question. But soon enough she returned with a paper with some scribbles on it.

"I can't believe you actually did that" I said as she sat down.

"Me neither, but I think I just made his day" she laughed before showing us his signature written on the paper.

"ok my turn, Rosie truth or dare?" I hesitated a little at Peyton's question.

"Truth" Peyton smirked a little... Oh god. Peyton was about to speak but she was interrupted by our names being called out from the top speaker.

"I'll get it" I quickly got up from my table and went over to the counter not wanting to carry this conversation any further.

"Erm.. Debby Skai and Peyton are over there" I pointed to our table " and I'm Rosie" the waitress smiled at me as she handed me our orders. I struggled to pick up 4 bags of taco bell with only two hands.

"Need any help?" I turned to a familiar voice behind me.



Hello :)

So I hope you liked it and everything, Debby Skai Karan and Spencer were kinda introduced in this chapter. They will be in the next chapter also :). Next chapter will be up sooner than this one was I swear.

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