Chapter 6

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SORRY ;/ you can yell at me I know...

I just couldn't seem to get this chapter finished. But in the bright side I may be able to upload the next chapter today :)


First time Chapter 6

Just friends?

It had been 2 weeks since I arrived at LA. I had been texting Cameron and Ben quite a lot and I occasionally skyped Elle. I still hadn't told her about Cameron , I didn't think I needed to just yet.

I woke up pretty damn early. so i didn't bother getting out of bed a few more minutes wouldn't hurt anyone. So I grabbed my phone of the table and clicked Cameron's contact. He had texted me numerous times through the night. One text caught my attention:

Cameron: hey do you want to come to set tomorrow at 9?

I checked the time ...6:30 am. I had nothing better to do so I texted back;

Rosie: yeah sure where is it?

He texted back almost instantly but I was quite surprised he was awake

Cameron: awesome, don't worry I'll come round yours at about half 8 ?

Rosie: ok see you then :)

I rolled out of bed, tripping a little, and made my way to my parents room.

"HEY MUM... MUM... "I practically screamed

"WHAT" said mum finally awake now

"Can I go out with a friend?"

"This early?"she looked over at the clock

"No at 8:30"

"ask your father"

"hes at work" she looked a little surprised.

"Please ill be good"she rolled her eyes

"PRETTY PLEASE" she grunted a little before finally agreeing

"THANK YOU" I kissed her and ran back into my room.

Ok now what to wear. I rummaged through my wardrobe looking for something decent. By the time I had found an outfit and took a shower it was already 8 ( I take very long showers ). I quickly got changed not wanting to make Cameron wait. I didn't wear make up so the whole process was fairly quick. And I was done in 15 minutes.

I still had some time to kill so I went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I poured in my milk and sat down on the sofa. Disney Channel seemed to be the only channel that actually had something decent on at this time. Flicking through the episodes I stopped at Jessie, it seemed relevant. I laughed as I swallowed another mouthful of cereal.

After a while I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. The text read

Cameron: Hey i know I'm early but I'm outside :)

I looked out the window to see a black range rover parked out front with Cameron in the back seat. Grabbing my bags, I opened the door to leave, letting my mum know I was going.

Cameron opened the door for me to come in, when I noticed there was a man in the front seat.

"I'm Cameron's dad, and you must be Rosie" I nodded

"It's nice to meet you Mr Boyce"

"Please, call me Victor" I smiled as Victor started the car.

The journey was longer than I'd though it be and I just found myself talking to Cameron for most of it, which was quite awkward with his dad there.

"So are you two dating?" Victor asked us making us both blush.

"No we're just friends" Cameron looked a little disappointed at my answer but smiled a little after. But come on we only just met 2 weeks ago.

When we reached the studio it was already 9, so we had to be quick to get in after being dropped off. The man at security gave me a stern look before noticing Cameron and letting us through. Cameron handed me a visitors pass and told me to show anyone that asked. I agreed and we made our way to Cameron's dressing room. It was quite big and had a nice table of food in the corner ( note to self: eat the food)

"So yea this cassa de Cameron, you can watch the show there", he pointed to a large tv," and eat what you want there " he smiled as he pointed to the table of food.

"I'll be back in about an hour" he closed the door leaving me by myself.

After a while of being by myself, I was quite bored. Even though watching the cast of Jessie forget their lines and occasionally trip was quite entertaining. I took another bite out of my muffin before the door opened and a petit blonde girl came through.

" Hey Camer- oh you're not Cameron" I showed her my visitors pass with an uneasy look, which she returned.

"Wait are you Rosie?" She seemed quite excited now, I on the other hand was quite scared.

"Cameron talks about you all the time" she said putting emphasis on the all.

"Erm.." Was all I could manage to get out.

"I've been dying to meet you" she pulled me into a warm hug and sat down beside me.

"I'm Peyton" oh so this is the weird energetic Peyton Cameron had told me about.

"Yes it is" crap I must've been thinking out loud again.

Peyton seemed nice, we shared numbers and got to know each other quite a lot during the short period of time we were given.

"So are you and Cameron dating"

"No we're just friends" I sounded like a broken record, but just like Cameron, she looked disappointed. The door opened again, but this time I was greeted with a familiar face. Cameron looked quite shocked as of seeing Peyton there

"Oh so I see you two have met"

"Yep, she really is as great as you made her out to be" Cameron glared at Peyton which made me laugh a little.

"Well anyway, we're going out for lunch, if you want to come"

"Yeah sure" I replied as I saw Peyton gleam from the corner of my eye.

"now lets go before the producer catches us" Peyton got up and pulled us both through the door, she was stronger than i expected.

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