Chapter fifteen: Louis

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Louis POV

We were all sat in a circle looking at each other, our team building instructed also in the circle.

The meeting was only a week ago and they've already got us doing this.

"So who wants to speak first?" The old female instructor asked looking around.

I was sat next to Harry on my right and Zayn on my left, Niall and Liam on Zayns side and the instructor next to Harry.

No one said anything until the instructor picked on Zayn.

"So what is wrong with all of you? the first step to sorting this is talking about it." She went on.

"Uh well there's no um er problem, we just er don't talk as much. Harry and Louis hang together an uh I jut hang with these guys more." He pointed to Liam and Niall the continued. "I know we er use to be closer but it's not like we argue. We just don't um really talk." He sounded nervous and unsure.

"You sound hesitant?!" She pointed out.

"Uh yeh!" Zayn muttered looking at his feet.

"Well from what Zayn here has just told me and what your management has told me you all need to bond again like you use to." The woman said looking at us all then continued. "so for this problem to be sorted you will each go home back to your house and spend and hour together."

We all gave a confused face.

She continued "Louis you will spend an hour with Zayn then and hour with Liam, then Niall, then Harry, and the same for the rest of you. In that hour we have things for you to do. We want you all to grow closer together, we want you to be how you were. No do you all understand?" We all simply nodded.

She handed a pack to Liam saying "I'll see you all next week." And we left all with a simple yeh or yes.

The car ride home was short and silent and before I knew it I was sat on the love seat with harry, Niall and Liam on the sofa and Zayn on the armchair.

"So we better sort this out then." Niall said first and we all nodded.

We organised who was going with who and when we were going with each other.

"I'll see you later baby." Harry whispered to me as stood walking off with Liam first.

I then struggled to my feet holding my stomach and stood next to Niall as I was with him first.

He stood as well and grabbed one of the packs and headed to his room.

We sat on his bed and an awkward silence feel between us.

After around 10 minutes Niall finally spoke. "What's been going on with you Louis? I've missed you so much."

"I'm so sorry Nialler." I said rubbing a tear away from his face. "I can't tell you what's going on but just know I still love you."

Before I could say more I felt Nialls lips agains my own.

The kiss was sweet and full off passion.

After a few minutes we slowly pulled away and he looked deeply into my eyes.

"I've missed this." He said.

"So have I."

"Louis, please tell me?!" He near begged as he say back.

"I'm sorry, I can't, I really can't." I have a sad smile.

"Is it that bad Louis? It's it to do with you're uh resent weigh gain?"

I chuckled at that. "Uh yeh it is nialler."

"Oh" was the only response I got.

"You'll know one day, I promise." I smiled gently back.

"Okay, I trust you."

"So uh let's open this pack and see what it is." I said leaning forward to grab the envelope.

Inside was a list if tasks an questions. I picked the one I thought was best.

"Uh Niall do you wanna do this one? " pointed at number 7.

"Yeh seems good." He smiled and went to his cupboard.

The task was to just play guess who .

We played for the remaining 40 minutes and we forgot about all the problems that have been going on and we just played and laughed. Occasionally kissed and then hugged.

We then heard a knock on the door and it reviled Liam and Zayn.

"Uh I'm with you now Louis and Nialler you're with Zayn." Liam spoke.

We nodded and I stood following Liam to the garden and into our treehouse.

I struggled up and plonked down on the chairs we have up there. Liam set the pack on the table and sat on a chair next to me.

The begging went to same to how it did with Niall but Liam was a little more persistent but soon excepted he would know what was wrong soon enough.

We kissed and cuddled for a while then played would you rather which was in the pack.

The hour went by quickly and soon I was sat with harry just talking, chilling and hanging out for our hour.

We talked about the babies and what it'll be like when they arrive.

I was smiling like crazy looking at my stomach when there was a knock at the door and I knew it was Zayn.

I pulled down my top and went to the door letting Niall in and I followed Zayn.

I sat in the living room with him and nothing was said.

And it went on and on like that.

"Seriously Zayn what is up?" I asked finally breaking.

"You. That's what's up. You've had attitude now for months, you've eaten all our fucking food, fat arse. And act as if you're doing nothing wrong. You've pushed us all away for months, you haven't kissed me, even fucked me in that time, so I'm sorry if I won't accept you like the others." Zayn finished standing and walking out the house slamming the door.

That's when I burst into tears.


I'm so sorry I took so long but I hope you liked this.

I'm really getting into writing this again so expect a chapter again soon :)

I read some comments and it rally motivated me so thank you
And Thank you so much for reading




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