Chapter two: Louis

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Louis POV

Aww fuck my head hurts that was the first thing I thought the next morning when I woke up, the next thought was fuck my arse hurts too.

I was in pain and I could feel the to bright sun shining into my sensitive closed eyes.

I very slowly sat up and opened my eyes, instantly feeling the light hurt my head pounding even more so I shut them again.

I leaned against the posh blue sofa and carefully bit by bit opened my eyes once more. I looked around the room. It was a mess, empty bottles of vodka on the floor, beer cans everywhere, red paint on the walls and a hole in our sofa.

I then looked over to see a naked zayn sprawled out in the middle of the floor nearest the sofa. I had just been laying with him from what I could tell and a naked Niall, Liam and Harry in a pile on the floor by the TV. What the fuck had happened last night.

After 10 minutes of waiting for the pain in my head to ease enough for me to stand, eventually it did and I got to my feet tripping into the kitchen to get a glass of water and a headache tablet.

I grabbed a glass filling it with the crystal water then swallowed two tablets. I then laid my head on the grey kitchen work top and waited for the pain to subside.

It soon enough went when I noticed I was still naked. What had happened.

I thought and thought about it until it all flooded back to me the alcohol, what I've never done and truth or dare. Then the amazing sex with Zayn.

Standing straight I stumbled back into the living room, holding a glass if water and box of headache tablets for the other boys.

I could see Harry and Liam now awake as I handed them two pills each as they took a sip of the cold water.

We sat I'm silence for a moment when Harry spoke up. "Last night was fucking amazing."

"Couldn't agree more mate." I said.

"What the hell happened to the living room." Liam asked a moment later.

"I'm pretty sure it was one of the dares to paint on the wall but I don't know why there is a hole in the sofa." I told Liam.

He nodded and said "we better get dressed then and start cleaning up."

"Do we have to?" Harry moaned.

"Yes we do." Liam stated back.

"Can't I just clean naked?" Harry questioned again.

"Nope." Was all Liam replied with and he walked out the room and up the stairs.

"Haz, lets wake Ziall up so they can help." I said.

"Yeh, you wake Zayn and ill wake Niall." He stated.

I rolled off the sofa to zayn.

"Zayn wake up." I whispered in his ear. He didn't even stir.

"Zayn, WAKE UP." Still nothing.

"ZAYN GET UP." He didn't even flinch.

I'm going to have to come up with a new approach getting him up. Zayn is alway the hardest to get up.

I went back to Zayn's ear and whispered huskily "baby wake up." As I nibbled on his ear lobe, slowly moving from his ear to his neck sucking, nibbling and bitting it. I then moved my hands down his body still sucking his neck, I grabbed ahold of his now hardening dick. I started to slowly pump little Zayn up an down. He moaned and his chocolate brown eyes met mine.

"You're up I see." I said as I released his hard dick and walked off.

"What Lou you can't do that." He said wincing at the end, probably from the pain in this head.

"I can and I just did, there are some headache tablets on the coffee table and some water, get up and dressed we need to clean the living room." I finished as he grunted laying back down.

I run up the stairs to my bathroom taking a quick shower and scrubbing my teeth.

When I finished that I walked to my walk in wardrobe pulling out sweats and a tight grey top hugging my abbs.

I strolled back down the stairs to see all the lads but Zayn cleaning the living room. Why am I not surprised I thought to myself.

I pulled up all the duvets, taking the covers from them and putting the covers in the washing machine while placing the duvets into the wardrobe in our spare room.

Going back to the living room it was nearly tidy now. Liam was painting over the red paint on the wall, Harry hovering the floor, Zayn sorting out the sofa and Niall taking the rubbish bags outside.

They all soon finished their jobs and we all met in the kitchen wanting food. We only had toast today with marmite and Nutella on different pieces.

"So what we doing today?" I asked the other lads.

"Why don't we just chill all day on the sofa? Ya know veg out." Niall suggested.

"I like that." Harry agreed as the rest of us nodded.

We walked into the now spotless living room and sat down myself, Harry and Zayn on the sofa and Niam on the love seat to my left.

Facing the TV the question remained. What to watch.

"So what do you guys wanna watch?" I asked standing back up walking over to the DVD rack.

"MONSTERS INC, MONSTERS INC." Niall yelled his choice.

"Yeh lets watch that, especially since monsters university is coming to cinemas soon." Liam agreed. I like that idea so without conforming it with Zayn or Harry I retrieved the DVD case and put the DVD into the played. The huge TV coming up with the home screen coming up as I pressed play.

I squeezed my way in between Harry and Zayn, resting my heavy head on Zayn's shoulder.

We watched the film in peace. No one really talking, still tired from the night before.

Hours passed by and we did nothing.

We started to become more active and less tired as the day went by, the early noting light soon turned into midday and the midday soon changed to evening. Before we knew what was happening it was night again. Today we agreed no alcohol.

Liam order pizza and we ate it watching paranormal activity 4. I screamed a few times when it made me jump but I felt safe between Zayn and Harry.

After 3 more films it was now midnight. We spent literally our whole day watch films and chilling out as a group. It felt so good to have a break and be with my best friends.

Diary of a wimpy kid finished and we headed off to bed, I couldn't wait to crawl into bed and have a real sleep.

I know we did nothing all day but I couldn't help but feel exhausted, I shut my eyes and drifted quickly into sleep.


Another note guys!!

TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY and I wanted to update this! I'm sorry it's short but I didn't want to just jump straight to two weeks later or something! I might do that next chapter!

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