Chapter Eight: Louis

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Louis POV

another month ended up passing and I had to miss my last doctors appointment as management planed a surprise interview. I was so glad to finally see my babies. In the month that passed I've only come out of my room when we have an event for the day and Ive only spoken to the boys when absolutely necessary. They have tried talking to me multiple times but I don't want to here it. My baby bump has also grown even more.

We had a radio interview later today at 4PM so I had a doctors appointment now.

It was only 8AM and I was already sitting at the doctors office waiting to be called In.

"Mr Tomlinson." Dr green called into the waiting room.

I stood to my feet and walked into his office.

"So louis, how have you been?" The doctor asked.

"Uh I've been good." I replied.

"Now have there been any changes?" He went on to ask.

"Well the morning sickness stopped when you said it would and the cravings Have started. Uh my baby bump has gotten bigger and my feet have started hurting along with my back." I explained.

"All that is good and perfectly normal. If you would please lay on the bed and pull up your top I will take another scan and see how the babies are." The doctor said smiling and standing up.

I laid on the bed and pulled up my top as the doctor poured the cool gel onto my baby bump, he pulled out the wand to scan my stomach.

"Well you can see here and here," the doctor said pointing to the screen where there where two marks. "These are your babies." He smiled as he finished.

I was so excited seeing them and I couldn't contain the smile. They had grown a lot in the two moths since I was last here. It's hard to believe I have been pregnant for 3 months. That only gives me six more moths before I'm a dad, a farther, until I leave the band, until I have to become responsible and look after two other lives. I knew this was going to be though with two babies, but thinking about it like this makes me want to cry. I don't know if I could do it or not. Well I was going to have to do it. Not for me but for the babies.

"When can I find out the gender?" I questioned.

"On your next visit it will be possible to tell the genders if you want to know." He replied.

We finished up soon enough and I left after making my next appointment.

"Where have you been Louis." I was questioned the second I walked through the front door by all the boys but Liam asked the question.

"I just went out." I answered walking to the kitchen. I felt a sudden craving to eat peanut butter.

"We know that, but to where?" Harry joined in.

I reached into the pantry and grabbed a big jar of peanut butter.

"I just went to the park for a walk." I answered, my lies where getting better.

Grabbing a spoon from a near by draw and pulled it out.

"Did you really though Louis? You've been so distant lately." Zayn stepped in.

"Yeh I did go to the park. I needed some air." I answered then put the spoon into the peanut butter pulling it out and sticking it into my mouth, I moaned as it tasted so good.

"You shouldn't be eating that." Liam then said to me as if I was a child.

"You can't tell me what to do." I said with all the sass I had.

"Yes but we care about your health Louis." Niall told me.

"Look stop. I don't care. I need this peanut butter. I'm going to my room, ill be ready by tonight for the concert." I spoke rather harshly as I walked from the room.

I sat on my bed as the door closed and I pulled the laptop once again onto my lap.

Lately I've been spending a lot if time on my laptop.

I've already brought a small house on the outskirts of London away from where we all now live.

The house was already paid for, it had four bedrooms. One for me, one each of the babies when they are older and a play room. It was nice and near the local preschool.

I was now on the Internet looking for all the things in the house. I spent 4 hours doing this.

I brought a sofa, chair and love seat, 2 TVs, my new bed, and all the things for my bedroom, I brought tables and chairs. Making sure to avoid buying any baby stuff yet as I didn't know the genders. All together I spent over £50,000 on stuff today.

Putting the laptop away I jumped Into the shower and got ready for the concert.

I stayed silent as I walked down the stairs and saw the lads all talking.

So enough we reached the concert and rehearsed the bits we were a little rusty at. I knew tonight would be difficult for me and I was going to have to tone it down for I couldn't handle it.

I was sat and hour before the show in the dressing eating out of a jar of crunchy peanut butter the craving was still strong.

The boys were all in the room as well. It was just us and it seemed as if they had something to say to me, they all gave, what was that disapproving, disappointed, annoyed looks. I wasn't sure but I know the looks I was reviving weren't positive.

I plunged my finger back into the peanut goodness and pushed it into my mouth. Liam opened his mouth to say something as I pulled my finger from my mouth, but before he did I felt a weird nudge in my stomach.

What the fuck was that.

I turned my back to the boys and placed my hands gently on my stomach. I felt the nudge again, I felt a kick. My baby was kick.

I couldn't contain the excitement. The smile spreading on my face.

My hand stayed on my bump as I felt another kick.

"Louis, are you okay." I head Zayn ask, his hand on my shoulder.

I removed my hand from my stomach and turned to face the lads.

The smile still wouldn't leave my face as I said "yeh, I'm perfect."

"Talk to us Louis, please. We don't know what's going on with you." Zayn went on. He leaned in and kissed my temple.

"There's nothing to say lads." I smiled to them.

"Show time in five minutes so you lads need to be backstage ready." The show director instructed as he burst into the room.

We stood to our feet and walked to behind the stage. A man fitted my microphone. I knew this was going to be hard but I could get through it. I would not give up on stage.

"YOU'RE ON IN 5....4....3....2... GO." The producer said again as we ran onto the stage from all directions. The fans going insane. Lights flashing as the music started.

After only 10 minutes I felt the strain but continued to the end.

"Well done guys, that was a great show." I simply nodded along to Harry as the others jumped around.

"Yeh that was so great." Liam agreed.

"And the fans were amazing," Niall put in.

If I had known that would be my last show before I had the babies I might have been more excited. But I didn't so the only thing on my mind was home and sleep.


I'm sorry again! I know the chapters are short but they will get longer! Promise :)

So please



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Thank you for reading it means so much :DDD

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