Chapter twentytwo: Zayn

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Zayn's POV

"WE'RE ALL GOING ON A SUMMER HOLIDAY, NO MO.." Niall sang at the top of his lungs as we drove down the road.

"SHUT UP please. We've been on holiday for a week already and my head hurts" I said to Niall.

Myself and Niall were both cramped into the back while Liam was driving and Harry was riding shotgun

"How much longer until we stop." Harry whined.

"There's a town coming up in about 20 minutes we could stop there for the day if you want?" Liam asked.

"Yeh let's stop there." Niall cheered.

After more singing from Niall we pulled up into a small car park by the towns centre and all got out of the car.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked.

"I'm going to check out all the cloth shops first, I'm fed up of all this." Harry said as he walked away liam following.

"So what shall we do?" I asked turning to Niall.

"Let's cause some trouble." An evil smirk spreading on his face.

I nodded with the same face.

The first place we headed was superdrug.

Niall walked to the closest assistant and asked for help, I watched from a distance as he lead her to the pregnancy test section.

"So I was wondering if you could help me with something" Niall asked.

"Sure, what would that be?" The short, brunette assistant asked smiling to Niall.

"Well can you tell me what brand of pregnancy test is the best?" Niall said looking to the girl.

"What are you getting it for your girlfriend then?" She questioned.

"No for me." the girl had a stunned look. "I heard this one was good." He said picking up a blue box pretending to read the back.

The girls face became more confused as Niall began asking her pregnancy questions, I was silently laughing behind.

"But sir I don't understand. Men can get pregnant."

"Yeh well I know I'm pregnant I missed my last two periods. I can't be pregnant, my parents will kick me out and I'll be homeless." Niall started to fake cry.

The girl began backing away. "Do you want me to get the manager."

"No... no don't worry I'll, I'll just go. But I'll buy this." he picked up a bright pink box.

He quickly paid and left with a thank you.

"OMG that was so funny man." I laughed looking to Niall as I met him outside.

"I know." He laughed as well. "Where to now?"


After two hours of causing trouble we decided it was time for a break. We had seen Harry and Liam around half an hour ago but soon ran away when they started talking about what they had bought.

"Can we get food now?" Niall asked.

"I was just about to say the same thing." I smiled.

After agreeing on a Subway we headed over and ordered our subs taking a seat, as soon as I sat I took a big bite from my sandwich moaning at how good it tasted.

"Where's the next place were travelling to after here?" I asked.

"'M not sure, I heard harry say something about Dover." Niall replied spitting his food everywhere.

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