Chapter three: Louis

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Louis POV

Two weeks had gone by since that night we all got drunk and none of us have had the urge to have alcohol agin for a while.

We were all so tired days after. The last two weeks nothing has happened as management gave us a break, but sadly to all of our disappointment it's now over going back to work today.

We have an interview in an hour and we are all already at the studio.

"Okay lads this interview will be fun so try not to be to serious. Play around and be fun." The producer told us.

We all nodded okay.

The remaining 50 minutes until we had to go on stage we decided to play tag. Mature I know. We ran around hitting each other, Niall and myself teamed up to get the other lads. It's safe to say we won.

Soon enough we were called to the stage. Niall leading on then Harry then me, Zayn followed and finally Liam.

The second Niall appeared on stage the screamed from the fans increased to a painful level.

We all smiled and waved to the audience as we sat on the long red sofa together facing the audience and the host.

"Hello lads." The host said to us. The host was an older male man who I had never seen before. His brunette hair showing some gray hair growing.

We all chorused a round of hi's and hey's.

"So how are you lot holding up with all the fame?" The man asked us.

"No, yeh it's all been good, it's so much fun and to be doing this with my best friends is amazing. but we've just come off a two week break so we are ready to be out there again." Liam explained for all of us.

"That's good. Now we want to move straight to the audience questions. So lets start."

A girl in a 1D top with curly brown hair stood up.

"OMG OMG hi I'm Ashley. Uh I just wanted to know who do you each most love in the band?" The girl quickly got out.

"Uh i don't know really I love all the lads but if I had to choose one it would be Lou." Zayn said winking over to me.

"Yeh I'd say Zayn too. Zayn baby give me some love." I said to Zayn hugging him.

"I defiantly love Niall the most." Harry said smiling over to Niall.

"Aww haz, I'm sorry but I love Liam." Niall said looking over to Liam.

"Well that a coincidence I love my hazza." Liam smirked.

"Looks like we have a love triangle going on here." The host announced.

We all laughed and I said "you have no idea." Luckily everyone took it as a joke and laughed along with us.

"So next question."

A small boy stood up and we all smiled.

"Hi I'm Jamie and I want to know would you ever get a tattoo of each other or each others name." Jamie asked.

I took the opportunity to answer first. "I've never really thought about it but I really would get all the lads names."

"Yeh I would as well." Liam agreed. As Harry and Zayn nodded along.

"I'm sorry lads to ruin this but I wouldn't. I'm trying to stay tattoo free." Niall said as a joke.

Another fan stood up with blue an blond hair.

"I'm Lilly and I wanna know what you would do if you had to be a dad at this age?" She asked a weird question but we answered anyway.

"I don't think that's likely as none of us have girlfriends but It would be hard for us all as we would all look after it." Niall said.

"No, no I wouldn't, couldn't have a child at this age. Not until I'm a lot would crush me to have a child so young. Don't get me wrong I really do want a baby with someone but not at least for another 5 years." Zayn explained.

For some explained reason I felt hurt. I quickly shook that off as the next question was asked.

"Can-can you please sing torn?" A shy girl with dark, straight hair.

We all looked to each other and started to sing the chorus perfectly.

The fans were screaming and the host like impressed as we finished all smiling to each other.

"I'm sorry guys that's all we have time for with one direction. Join us after the brake to see out next secret celeb."

"And were clear." A talk man with a head set on shouted.

"Thanks so much lads, that was a great interview." The host said to us.

We shook his hand and left the stage, taking off our microphones and heading to the car where our driver was waiting for us.

It was now 8PM so we told the driver to take us to Nandos.

"NANDOS." Niall shouted as we arrived.

"Yes, yes Niall we know." Liam said stroking his hair.

We took our seats and ordered.

"We haven't done this in a while." Harry said.

"I know I've missed it." Zayn spoke up.

"I think we should start doing it every week." Liam suggested.

"No guys we should come to Nandos everyday." Niall in put.

"Not everyday, but yeh every week sounds good." I finally said.

Food arrived and Niall quickly finished.

We headed home as we now have a busy 6 months ahead of us, with interviews, the album coming out, photo shoots and promotion lay work, also a tour in 12 different countries.

"Lets head to bed guys." Liam muttered also know what is to come.

"Night guys." I shouted as I shut my bedroom door.

I heard a number of nights.

I stripped and jumped into bed.


Okay guys I'm really sorry it's so short and boring but I didn't want to jump to much!

The next chapter will be interesting I promise :)

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