Chapter four: Louis

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Warning: smut in this chapter!!


1 month later

Louis POV

"fucking shit." I muttered to myself as I sat with my head down the white toilet bowl. It was 4:30 in the morning and I was throwing up all my tea from the night before. God I always hated being sick, the way it burned your throat and tasted disgusting. I knew I shouldn't have eaten the chicken without checking it was properly cooked the night before, but I had been in such a rush to get to sleep it was late and all five of us had, had very difficult days.

I was the only one who at my home made chicken as Niall went to Nandos with Zayn, Liam made him self a sandwich and Harry just settling on coco pops. That boy eats cereal round the clock.

"Bloody fucking chicken." I said tiredly.

I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth thoroughly not wanting that horrible taste in my mouth any longer. Exiting the bathroom I rolled back into my now cold bed and fell asleep as soon as my head it my fluffy green pillow.

I woke up again at 7AM with Liam doing the morning call to get myself and the other boys up. I was so tired, especially after my interruption in the night.

Standing from my bed I took a warn shower to try and wake myself a little more. I still felt terrible as if I was about to throw up any second, but carefully getting out of the shower i dried myself of in a soft warm towel taken from the radiator, I changed into my black jeans, red top and TOMS, trying to feel alive for the day.

Every few seconds I felt like I was going to be sick, walking down the stairs I smelt the strong smell of food cooking coming from the kitchen where all the other boys now where.

I felt my stomach lurch as I ran to the downstairs bathroom gagging but bringing nothing up as my stomach was empty of all food and drink.

After 10 minutes I shakily stood again, washed my mouth out with water then mouthwash and headed to the kitchen greeting the other lads with a smile. I didn't want them to know I was sick, they make a big fuss over nothing.

"Hey lads." I said as enthusiastically as I could, but really feeling shit.

All the boys seem to buy it all smiling back and replying with 'good morning' or 'hello'.

"Why did you run into the bathroom there, Lou?" Niall asked looking directly at me.

"I really had to pee." I quickly said, pretty proud of my excuse I made up.

"Why didn't you pee when you had a shower?" Niall then replied.

"I didn't need to pee then." I spoke poking my tongue out.

Harry walked up to me pecking me on the lips then placing a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me.

'Shit.' I thought to myself. I can feel my stomach turning.

"I'm sorry babe, I can't eat that." I said looking him in the eye.

"Why?" Harry asked looking sad.

I made up a quick excuse.

"I'm on a diet." I rushed to get out.

"A diet?" Liam butted in.

"Well I thought it would be good to go on a diet, I'm feeling a little rough at the moment, be nice to just eat healthy food for a while." I explained, making up more of the lie as I went along. I felt horrible for lying to the lads for a second time this morning but I didn't want them to worry about me being sick. It will pass soon enough and they will just stress about it. Even though it is just me being sick.

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