Chapter thirteen: Harry

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Harry's POV

"Well then?" I questioned Louis again as I stood in front if my best friend I'm some strange house.

The silence dragged on for a further few minutes before I got even more annoyed and hit my fist against the wall.

The fact that my best friend and lover had a secret life that he wouldn't tell any of us about was really starting to irritate me.

"Uh calm down Harry, just uh um. Go into the living room and sit down. Ill explain it all." Louis small scared voice sounded to me.

Why was louis really so scared? Oh god. He had gotten a girl pregnant hadn't he. I felt rage course through my vain's that he would have sex with someone else. Or was he planning on leaving us at home and moving here maybe with someone else?

I sat on a brand new white sofa fists clenched to hold back my thoughts and rage.

Louis sat on a matching white chair to the left of me.

"Go on Louis, explain." I near enough spat out.

He sucked in a big breath and said two words I though was impossible to hear. "I'm pregnant."

"You're what?" I asked back in complete disbelief.

"I'm. Pregnant." Louis said again clearer and louder.

"How the fuck is that possible? Don't lie to me louis you're not fucking pregnant you just got a girl pregnant and now you won't admit it." My rage built up more and more the further I went on.

"Harry calm down. I am pregnant. Look," Louis pulled up his top and placed me hand on his enlarged stomach. I felt stupid but I was doing this to prove louis wrong.

It was silent for a few seconds and nothing moved and nothing changed, then under my large hand I felt a small movement was it? A bump? A nudge? I don't know why it was but I jumped back pulling away my hand.

"What the fuck was that?" I questioned in shock, my normally low voice raising in pitch.

"That was the babies." Louis muttered quietly.

"No. NO. This is not possible. How?" I questioned immediately.

"Well it turns out I have a uterus, so I can become pregnant like a woman." He told me looking down at his stomach.

"Wait. If you're telling the true and you are pregnant. Not that I think you are who would be the farther? I mean your had sex with all 4 of us. Shit." I faded, off the realisation that all 4 of us have done louis so anyone could be the farther. I could be the farther.

I leaped to me feet and started passing.

"I am pregnant." Louis sass started to show as he continued. "And calm down you're not the farther."

"Then who bloody is?" My voice raised in volume.

"Zayn. Zayn is the farther so calm you're fucking panties," Louis shouted back. I could tell he was becoming irritated.

"Louis look. Are you being serious?" I stopped passing and looked his dead in the eye.

"Yes. Yes I am." His crystal blue eyes glistened with tears.

Stepping closer to him I gently pulled him to his feet and slowly pulling him into a soft loving hug.

"Oh louis. I'm sorry, I believe you, but how long have you been uh pregnant?" I softly whispered into his ear as I hugged him while he gently cried in my shoulder.

"Um about 4 months." He muttered.

"God louis 4 months?" I was shocked anyhow long he had kept this from us.

"Do you know if you're having a girl or a boy yet?" I really was intrigued. My best male friend was pregnant with my other best male friends child. And I was interested so I knew if I could spoil a little girl or teach pranks to a little boy.

"Uh Harry I'm actually having twins, twin boys." He got out.

"Holy shit louis no wonder you're big for 4 months." I chuckled.

"Yeh." He just muttered back seeming extremely sad and troubled.

I pulled back from the hug and gently tuned my thumb against his wet cheek collecting the falling tear.

"Louis, I will always be here for you, heck all the other lads will be with you." I spoke sincerely looking into his blue eyes.

Louis shook his head. "Not Zayn."

"Yes Zayn. He may act heartless at times and I'm loving but he will support you and the children. And look if he doesn't I will. If Zayn won't be the farther to these children I will." I finished as Louis started to cry more. "Shhh. Shhh what's wrong?"

"I just can't believe you'd do that." He shaky voice got out.

"Of course I would Lou, I know you love us all but I know you love Zayn the most. It's obvious that you want him physically and emotionally more than any of the rest of us, but I know you love me as well and look Louis I love you as well. I love you all. Having you become distant from myself and the rest of the lads I've realised how much I need my Louis. I do love you Lou and I will do anything to help you. An if need be I will be known as these babies farther if Zayn let's you down." I took a breath and slowly leaned into Louis.

Within a second our lips had connected in the most passion filled kiss I have ever experienced.

The kiss soon became hot as I slid my tongue into his mouth. I moved louis to the sofa and only broke the kiss when I removed his shirt and my own.

I removed my mouth from his as I left hot open mouth kisses along his neck until I heard a loud moan, I found his sweet spot and soon began sucking there until I knew I had left a hickey.

I gently moved down and kissed the left and right side if Louis stomach, one for each baby.

"I will look after you and the babies louis. Just remember that."

I quickly moved back up to his mouth and attached myself onto his kissing passionately for a further few minutes before both out trousers were removed.

The kissing continued as I softly grinned our crouches together causing both louis and I to loudly moan.

"Please Harry." I heard louis whimper.

With that our boxers were removed and his cock was in my mouth.

Bobbing my head, then slowly sliding my tongue up the side if his dick. Massaging his balls I bobbed my head again until he was almost coming when I removed my mouth and spat on my hands. I lubed up my dick and slowly slid into Louis' tight hole. It was unnecessary to prepare him as I knew he could take this.

I moved slowly in and out of him trying to be as gentle as possible. It was the closest we've come to making love and not just having sex.

We finished soon enough, scooting next to him we both just laid in peace after sometime I began to speak. "You need tell Zayn and the other lads for that matter."

"I can't, Harry, please understand I can't at least not now. Let me do it in my own time." Louis begged beginning to cry again.

"Okay, I understand how difficult this really is and I won't push you, just please tell Zayn eventually. He needs to know." I whisper to him.

"I will." He muttered hand stroking his stomach, I placed my big hands over his.

"When you tell Zayn he'll be doing this with you." I smiled down to him. "C'mon lets head back."

"Okay." I head him reply as we stood and dressed.

We headed through the door myself entering my car and louis in his, the it all hit me.

Fuck. I'm in love with my best friend who's pregnant with my other best friends child who I just had sex with in his supposed new house. Well shit.



I'm sorry I took a while to up load but with summer ending and This Is Us coming out I've been busy!

Ill upload as much as possible but when I get votes and comments it really motivates me. So thank you for who ever is reading and a MASSIVE thank you to who ever is voting and commenting.





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