Chapter Five: Louis

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Louis POV

Two weeks have passed since I had sex with Niall, well sex with anyone.

I haven't been up to anything. Every morning I am sick and it was becoming tiering. Every morning I was up at 4AM throwing up, I then throw up again at 7 and again if I have breakfast that morning I will throw up- again.

I can't do this anymore, but I have some how managed to keep me being ill hidden from the other boys, not one of them has caught on, they still believe I'm on a diet and I have kept my throwing up as quiet as possible.

Today I was going to the doctors as it was needed, I'm never one to go to the doctor for nothing, I like to leave the problem and see if it would sort it's self out but after two weeks of vomiting for no reason I had to go.

It was 8AM and all the boys were asleep as this was the first and last day off for awhile, I was dressed and ready for the doctor.

I finished washing the cup I was using for my water and headed to the door to put on my TOMS when I heard someone speak.

"Where are you going?" It was Haz.

"Oh uh I'm just going out." I replied with.

"Yes, I can see that but where to?" He continued.

"Uh I was just going for a walk then to pick some breakfast up for you guys." I quickly explained. In the last two weeks I have been lying to the lads a lot. I hate lying to them but it was necessary.

"Why are you going on a walk, Lou? Is it part of your diet?" Harry asked worried.

"No Harry I promise, I just need to clear my head and get some air. You go back to bed and ill have breakfast back here for you at ten." I smiled to him as I grabbed my coat. He just nodded and walked back up the stairs.

I opened the door and walked to the garage where all our cars are kept. We don't often get to use then as we have a driver.

I pressed the button on my key and my shinny red car lit up to life. I got in and drove to the doctors surgery.

It was only a twenty minute drive so I soon got there.

Stepping out of the car I pulled up my hood and stepped inside nervously.

"Hello, can I help you?" A blond lady asked at the front desk.

"Uh yeh I have an appointment with dr. Green." I spoke back quietly.

"What's your name." She then asked.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." I replied.

"Uh yes please take a seat and your doctor will shortly call you in." The blond told me.

I nodded and walked to the waiting room, I took a seat and waited. All these thoughts running through my mind. What is wrong with me? Is it a cold? a bug? I just don't know. I zoned out and before I knew it my doctor was at the door calling me in.

I stood to my feet shakily and walked to the door.

"Take a seat." The tall brunette male told me. He then continued. "How can I help you?"

"Well I've been throwing up every morning for the last two weeks and I don't know why." I finished.

"Other than throwing up, how have you been feeling?" The doctor asked?

"Really tired all the time." I explained.

"Do you have to go to the toilet more?" He then questioned.

"Uh yes." I answered. I didn't see why it was relevant but I answered anyway.

"And have you been able to eat your breakfast?" The doctor went on.

"No." I said.

"Uh okay I'm just going to do a very quick test." The doctor gave me a stick with a metal thing on and a screen. "Just go and pee on this and please return straight back." I nodded standing up and heading to the bathroom.

I peed on the stick and returned to the doctor like he ordered.

The doctor took the stick from me holding the metal end I didn't pee on.

He read the little screen and his face turned to one of shock.

"If you don't mind me asking are you gay?" The doctor questioned.

Only the boys knew I was gay. A they were gay them selves. Even our family's or other friends didn't know.

I blushed answering. "Uh yeh I am."

"And when was the last time you had sex? And this may be awkward to answer but the last time someone uh- um did you?" The doctor went on.

I blushed even more "um about 7 to 8 weeks ago."

"Uh can you please jump up on the bed here and remove your top."

I did as I was told and laid down.

The doctor poured some gel on to my lower abdomen. He moved a screen so I could see it and started rolling something on my stomach. The screen showed the inside of my stomach and I watched the doctor.

"It can't be." He mumbled.

"Can't be what?" I asked worried.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson congratulations you're pregnant. With twins." The doctor said smiling.

"What. The. Fuck?"


Hi guys!!

I know this is short but I felt it best to end it here! :)

Next upload will be soon!




The Hard Times Zouis/Larry  MpregTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang