Chapter Seventeen

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My eyes flicker from the small bottle of red pills to Kyle and back down to the pills. We were in his office and he was holding these in front of me. I push my hair behind my ear and I gently grab them, "what will this do to me?"

"It'll help slow the process. You'll feel pain after not being with Silas for a couple days, not just a couple hours." Kyle explains as he notes down everything in a file labeled with my name, "have you guys been sexually active?"


"How many times a day?"

"Not everyday." I say quietly and his eyes snap up to mine in slight surprise, before he covers it up, "3 times a week, maybe."

"Have you been feeling any discomfort?"

"Headaches, mostly, but other than that, I've been having a little trouble sleeping." I admit quietly as I glance up at him and he nods writing it down as I speak, "is this all necessary, Kyle?"

"Right now I'm not acting like your friend, but as your elder, you are my Luna. I need to make sure you're alright. Have you been having nightmares?"


"How frequently?"

"Every night." I say softly and his eyes snap up to mine again, but he writes it down, "they usually just consist of memories when I was a child."

"Usually? What else?" Kyle says gently as he closes the file and gives me his undivided attention. I pick at my shirt and stare down at my knees as I shake my head.

"I don't remember them, just that they're different."

"It could be the stress. I'm going to start making you an herbal tea which will help you sleep soundly." Kyle says as he begins to write in the file again and he glances up at me, "are you sure it's three times a week only?"

"Y-yes." I snap embarrassed my ears flushing red as I glance up at him and he nods quietly writing it down. I sigh falling back on the chair, "does Silas get these check ups? What did he answer for that question?"

"I can't disclose that information, you can ask him if you'd like."

"Seriously, Kyle?"

"I'm sorry, Winter, but I'm not allowed to disclose the alphas health conditions to no one, not even you." Kyle says quietly as he closes the file and leans over the desk, "you need to be more initiative. Do more things with Silas. It'll help the both of you."



"How is Eric?" I ask softly trying to get his usual attitude back and as soon as I mention his mate, he breaks out in to a huge smile.

"He's been so cute lately. His shirts fit him tight so he's been wearing my clothes more often and he looks so cute. I can't believe he's having my pup. It's like a dream." Kyle gushes as he taps his pen on the desk and then he frowns slightly, "but he still doesn't want to tell Liam nor Silas. It's going to be dangerous."

"Why don't you try to convince him?"

"I have tried and we get in to fights. I respect him always, though, so I'll wait until he ready." Kyle assures me and I nod at his words as he tilts his head to look at me worried, "are these nightmares anything, Kyle, your friend, should worry about?"

"Not as of yet. They just shake me up a bit."

"Good. Come to me whenever it becomes an issue."


I stare at Silas' sleeping face as I lay on the bed. My fingers gently stroke at his face and I just admire him. He had to wake up in a few minutes for training, but I didn't want him to leave. My fingers slowly move down his neck towards the mark on his shoulder. I begin to trace it slowly and I feel my body fill with pride as goosebumps rise on his skin.

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